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Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span Trading system

This is a discussion on Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span Trading system within the Trading Systems forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Updated situation - sell stop order was executed and it is 23 pips in profit for now....

  1. #11
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Updated situation - sell stop order was executed and it is 23 pips in profit for now.

    Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span Trading system-updated_1.gif

    Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span Trading system-updated_2.jpg

  2. #12
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    It is updated situation for GBPUSD M15 for this system for example:

    Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span Trading system-gbpusd-m15-alpari-nz-limited-ichimoku.jpg

  3. #13

    Please take a look at the combined IchimokuSystem_v1 indicator with advanced sound/email alerts.

    //---- indicator parameters
    extern int     Tenkan         =     9;    // Tenkan period 
    extern int     Kijun          =    26;    // Kijun period
    extern int     Senkou         =    52;    // Senkou period
    extern double  IndicatorValue =     1;
    extern int     ArrowsMode     =     1;    //0-off,1-on  
    extern int     ArrowSize      =    11;
    extern string  ArrowFontName  = "Wingdings";
    extern int     ArrowBuyCode   =   233;
    extern int     ArrowSellCode  =   234;
    extern color	UpArrowColor   = DeepSkyBlue;
    extern color	DnArrowColor   =   Red;
    extern string  alerts         = "--- Alerts & Emails ---";
    extern int     AlertMode      =     0;
    extern int     SoundsNumber   =     5;    //Number of sounds after Signal
    extern int     SoundsPause    =     5;    //Pause in sec between sounds 
    extern string  UpSound        = "alert.wav";
    extern string  DnSound        = "alert2.wav";
    extern int     EmailMode      =     0;
    extern int     EmailsNumber   =     1;

    Attachment 1696

    Alex-162, HDHORDA4 and like this.

  4. #14
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot Igorad,

    As I understand, for now - we are having just one indicator instead of trading system. It will be more comfortable to trade for example.
    And is it template file inside zip archive? Yes, I will try to trade using this indicator.

  5. #15
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    We need to think about exit for now ... exit may be the following

    • take profit
    • Sinkou Span B line (by white color on the chart)
    • opposite crossing of Tenkan/Kijun

  6. #16
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    I think - we need some other indicator to filter false signals - it may be good at first look :

    Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span Trading system-eurusd-m5-alpari-limited-1.png

    but if we see on the other signals (see buy signal on the chart) so - we need some other indicator to be a filter.

    Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span Trading system-eurusd-m5-alpari-limited-2.png

  7. #17

    Please check out the updated version of the IchimokuSystem indicator with the ability to plot color histogramm when Chinkou line is above/below both Tenkan and Kijun lines plus you will see arrows when Chinkou crosses both Tenkan and Kijun.

    //---- indicator parameters
    extern int     Tenkan         =     9;    // Tenkan period 
    extern int     Kijun          =    26;    // Kijun period
    extern int     Senkou         =    52;    // Senkou period
    extern double  IndicatorValue =     1;
    extern int     ArrowsMode     =     1;    // ArrowsMode: 0-off,1-Price/SpanB,2-Chinkou/Tenkan&Kijun  
    extern int     ArrowSize      =    11;
    extern string  ArrowFontName  = "Wingdings";
    extern int     ArrowBuyCode   =   233;
    extern int     ArrowSellCode  =   234;
    extern color	UpArrowColor   = DeepSkyBlue;
    extern color	DnArrowColor   =   Red;
    extern string  alerts         = "--- Alerts & Emails ---";
    extern int     AlertMode      =     0;
    extern int     SoundsNumber   =     5;    //Number of sounds after Signal
    extern int     SoundsPause    =     5;    //Pause in sec between sounds 
    extern string  UpSound        = "alert.wav";
    extern string  DnSound        = "alert2.wav";
    extern int     EmailMode      =     0;
    extern int     EmailsNumber   =     1;

    Attachment 2559


  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by igorad View Post

    Please check out the updated version of the IchimokuSystem indicator with the ability to plot color histogramm when Chinkou line is above/below both Tenkan and Kijun lines plus you will see arrows when Chinkou crosses both Tenkan and Kijun.

    //---- indicator parameters
    extern int     Tenkan         =     9;    // Tenkan period 
    extern int     Kijun          =    26;    // Kijun period
    extern int     Senkou         =    52;    // Senkou period
    extern double  IndicatorValue =     1;
    extern int     ArrowsMode     =     1;    // ArrowsMode: 0-off,1-Price/SpanB,2-Chinkou/Tenkan&Kijun  
    extern int     ArrowSize      =    11;
    extern string  ArrowFontName  = "Wingdings";
    extern int     ArrowBuyCode   =   233;
    extern int     ArrowSellCode  =   234;
    extern color	UpArrowColor   = DeepSkyBlue;
    extern color	DnArrowColor   =   Red;
    extern string  alerts         = "--- Alerts & Emails ---";
    extern int     AlertMode      =     0;
    extern int     SoundsNumber   =     5;    //Number of sounds after Signal
    extern int     SoundsPause    =     5;    //Pause in sec between sounds 
    extern string  UpSound        = "alert.wav";
    extern string  DnSound        = "alert2.wav";
    extern int     EmailMode      =     0;
    extern int     EmailsNumber   =     1;

    Attachment 2559

    hi igorad please check my picture look what i give circle , arrow didn't show up, but meanwhile chinkou crossing both tenkan and kijun

    btw, thank a lots Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span Trading system-ichisystem_1.1.png

  9. #19
    Hi wanaxau,

    Please check out one more version of the IchimokuSystem.

    Attachment 2565

    wanaxau and Dr.Fox like this.

  10. #20
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2013
    hi Igorad, that was perfect!
    now our chart have all of ichimoku trading way.


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