John Henry Yeend King (1855–1924)
Their Favorite Spot
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JIA LU painting
By combining classical oil painting and contemporary aesthetics, JIA LU has created a style that calls to us. Her sources of inspiration are international. Her work has philosophical depth. Her imagery evokes mystery.
BORN IN CHINA IN 1954, Jia Lu grew up in a family of artists. She came to an early appreciation of the beauty and power of the human figure through her parents, who were both professional artists. She worked as a nurse, a film and television actor, a naval officer, an art editor for a magazine and as a professional basketball trainee before enrolling in the Central Academy of Art and Design to begin her professional training as an artist.
JIA LU was already an accomplished figure painter in Chinese media when she left China for Canada in 1983. But it was while working as a research assistant in the Faculty of Visual Arts at York University that Jia Lu was first exposed to Western psychological approaches to the human figure. She subsequently taught art at Lambton College in Sarnia, Ontario, and privately in Calgary, Alberta.
Ms. Lu now lives and works in Los Angeles. She has also worked as chief designer for the Tang Garden Museum in Tokyo, and as consulting designer for a stage production in a joint venture between Pierre Cardin and the Chinese Ministry of Textiles in Beijing. Her design work includes traditional Buddhist mural painting, stage costume and jewelry.
JIA LU has participated in 35 group exhibitions and 20 solo exhibitions in Canada, the United States, Japan and China.
Johan Krouthen (Swedish, 1858 - 1932)
Three reading women in a summer landscape 1908
Pekka Halonen (Finnish, 1865-1933)
Myllykylän saha
Pekka Halonen (23 September 1865 – 1 December 1933) was a painter of Finnish landscapes and people in the national romantic style. There is a painting by Pekka Halonen in the post-impressionist section of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, Hungary. In 2013 the Groninger Museum in the Netherlands featured works by Halonen, Eero Järnefelt, Helene Schjerfbeck and Akseli Gallen-Kallela in an exhibition titled Nordic Art: The Modern Breakthrough.
Carl Fredrik Hill (Swedish, 1849 - 1911)
French River Landscape, Bois- le-Roi 1877
Zhiwei Tu painting
For seven hours straight, Tu watched the artist work, and afterwards, he bought his own paints and painted his own portrait of Mao. When he showed it to the village officials a few days later, they decided to display his piece as it was far more impressive than the commissioned piece. By 1975 he had earned a BA from the Guangzhou Institute of Fine Arts in Canton, and became a teacher of art at the Teaching College of Shiao Gaun, China. The Cultural Revolution in China forced the closing of all graduate programs until 1978, when the movement lost its energy. During the interruption of his studies, Tu traveled extensively throughout China studying Chinese history and culture, and producing hundreds of paintings. Later, these served as great sources of information and inspiration for much of his work.