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Good morning

This is a discussion on Good morning within the Painting forums, part of the Fine Art category; Oil painting by Osamu Obi 1965 Born in Kanagawa, Japan 1988 Graduated from Musashino Art University (Department of Oil Painting) ...

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    Oil painting by Osamu Obi

    1965 Born in Kanagawa, Japan
    1988 Graduated from Musashino Art University (Department of Oil Painting)
    1990 Completed Master's Degree Program in Oil Painting, Musashino Art University
    1991 Exhibition of Grand Prize Paintings, Tokyo Central Museum. Awarded Grand Prize.
    1993 Participated in Yasui Prize Exhibition
    1996 Participated in Exchange Exhibition between South Korean and Japanese Oil Painters
    (Yokohama & Seoul )
    1999 Hakujitsukai Art Exhibition, Incentive Award of Minister of Education
    2004 6th Kanji Maeda Grand Prize Exhibition, Semi-grand-prix
    (Takashimaya Nihonbashi, Kurayoshi Museum)
    2005 2nd Beauty of Existence Exhibition (Takashimaya, Tokyo and other places)
    2006 Hakujitsukai Art Exhibition, The Prime Minister Award
    2009 "The Tewaza" Exhibition (Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi)
    2010 Beauty of Existence Exhibition (Takashimaya, Tokyo and other places)
    Scheduled to study in Paris for a year under the Japanese Government Overseas
    Study Programme for Artists

    2012 Beauty of Existence Exhibition (Takashimaya, Tokyo and other places), "The Tewaza" Exhibition (Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi)

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    Andrej Gerasymiuk painting (Odessa)

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    Charles Zhan painting

    1959: Born in Canton, China
    1973-76: Member of Youth Association of Art in Canton;
    Winner in National High School art competition
    1974-85: Studied and practiced at Dongyu Chen’s studio;
    Student of professor’s Lau Sing and Su Urlong
    1980-85: Designer for the Southern China Institute of
    Landscape Architectural Design, focusing on Architecture and landscape architecture
    1985: Moved to the United States
    1993: Master’s Degree of Fine Art and Design at Pratt Institute in New York City
    1987-Present: Arnot Gallery, New York

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    Brent Heignton painting

    Brent Heighton has been a professional artist for over 32 years. His career in fine arts has allowed him to travel throughout the world in search of adventure and subjects to paint.

    He is an explorer by nature, constantly trying out innovative techniques. He paints with intensity and economy, rarely wasting a motion or brush stroke, and is often called upon to give instruction in the art of painting.

    Brent Heighton’s watercolors, oils and acrylics have won many awards, and are found in corporate and private collections in more than 25 countries.

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    Ong Kim Seng painting

    Ong, Kim Seng BBM. A.W.S. DF. N.W.S. was born in Singapore and has been a full-time artist since 1985. He has participated in group and solo exhibitions at Singapore and in the United States, China, United Kingdom, Japan , Australia, Belgium, Federal Republic Of Germany, France, Middle East, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Asean countries.

    "I have to feel a place before I paint it. If I have good feelings for a scene - just as I may have good feelings for someone I meet - I know I'll have the will to paint it well. For me, and for all painters, I believe, inspiration comes naturally when there's a link between the artist and his subject."
    Ong Kim Seng

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    Duffy Sheridan painting

    Duffy Sheridan has been painting since he was a child. His father, also an artist, encouraged him to learn to paint anything and everything. He has traveled the world and dedicated his artistic life to the discovery and expression of beauty as he sees it.

    Although he and his family spent many years in relative seclusion in the far corners of the world, Sheridan’s work has attracted the attention of collectors on five continents.

    Since returning to the United States in 1991, his work has received international acclaim and he has been designated a Living Master™ by the Art Renewal Center.

    His paintings can be found in prestigious institutions from a Cathedral in the South Pacific to the US Air Force Academy to corporate headquarters in Manhattan, as well as in the private residences of kings, judges, bishops, doctors and collectors all over the world.

    For over 35 years the teachings of the Baha’i Faith have been the primary influence of Sheridan’s life and work and have dominated his continual search for that balance of craftsmanship and artistic expression which has the ability to elevate, in some small way, the human condition.

    Sheridan feels that he is in the process of learning to appreciate the richness of humankind and has come to believe that the purpose of his work should be “to magnify the dignity and nobility of the human spirit and the singular beauty of all things. When people look at one of my paintings, I’d like them to see that humans, indeed, are noble beings.”

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    Altynbek Metinov painting

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    Valueva Svetlana painting

    Born in Moscow in 1966, Svetlana Valueva was accepted into art school at the tender age of six - an astonishing child prodigy. By the age of 8, she was winning international exhibitions and at age 11, was featured in a documetary on outstanding artists that was shown in theaters across Russia. By then, her father, a gifted artist himself, had given her his own studio. Also, she had been secretly shown the fantastical works of artists like Klimt, Alfons Mucha, Sargent, and Alma-Tadema, whose styles were quite forbidden in Soviet era Russia. However, this discovery was the springboard for Valueva's exquisite Art Nouveau-inspired vision. She began to attract scores of collectors and dealers who smuggled her work out to avid admirers around the world, until the Art Academy finally allowed her a summer trip to study in Europe. From there, Valueva easily gained international acclaim, and remains one of Russia's most outstanding artists.

    "Why are my subjects women? Because beauty excites me, I like to see transformations, diversity, the layers covering the vulnerable paleness of a female arm, or tender matte luster of flesh; the skin's translucence beneath a film of gauze draping a naked body. My brush does not just move about the surface, it carefully penetrates the space of another dimension, going beyond the frontier - which is insurmountable to anyone else. There truly is space and life behind that fragile margin, as in a mirror. Of these space and life forms I express my daily chronicles, of their everyday life and feasts. And -- of women who belong there".

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    Vladimir Shorokhov from Siberia painting

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    Howard Fogg painting

    Howard Lockhart Fogg (April 7, 1917 – October 1, 1996) was an American artist specializing in railroad artwork.

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