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New Members introduction

This is a discussion on New Members introduction within the General Discussion forums, part of the Trading Forum category; hello all, I'm a fairly experienced trader of futures an options primarily on ES. I have been using Ninja Trader ...

  1. #31
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2015
    hello all,

    I'm a fairly experienced trader of futures an options primarily on ES. I have been using Ninja Trader for many years but am evaluating several platforms such as Trade Station, Multi Charts and Meta Trader. My goal is to incorporate more automation into my trading in addition to arriving on a platform that will allow an increased level of complexity in system coding and robustness. I'm not a programmer and intend to stay as a non programmer. I hope that I can add to some of the discussions as well as learn along the way. For now I am still executing my trading on NT but playing with others so any advise would be appreciated. I'm located in Seattle on the west coast United States.


  2. #32
    Junior Member
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    Hello Friends

    i am a new here know about new trading systems and to increase mt knowledge


  3. #33
    Junior Member
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    Hi Everyone, I am Ramesh. Keen to co-operate with you and learn how to make money all of you.

  4. #34
    Junior Member
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    Hi all! Looking forward to a good discussion with you guys!

  5. #35
    member ForeCastle's Avatar
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    Blog Entries

    5 Tips For Introducing Your Dog To A New Family Member

    5 Tips For Introducing Your Dog To A New Family Member

    New Members introduction-tumblr_nk1r3oqlf71tj1uzko1_1280.jpg

    Minimise Disruptions
    Dogs can become distressed when their environment is disturbed, so it’s important to make sure you don’t make too many changes to your home in a short space of time. Introduce the new furniture slowly, and make the baby-proofing changes gradually on the run up to the arrival or your newborn. If your pet usually sleeps in your room but won’t be able to after the baby arrives, you should try to phase this out gradually, rather than making a sudden change to their routine.

    Stagger the Introduction
    Dogs get to know things with their nose first, so they will want to run in head first and have a good sniff of the new arrival. This can be scary for new parents, so it’s best to let your pet get to know your babies scent in a gradual way. Start by letting your dog into the room after your baby has been in there and let him smell a baby grow or blanket that has been on your newborn. Your dog will also need to get used to the sounds of having a newborn baby around – late night crying and sudden shrieks can be stressful for everyone involved.

    Safety First
    Stressed dogs can become spooked and are more likely to dart out of an open door, so it’s important to make sure your pet is fitted with a microchip and that his microchip dog registration is up-to-date. He should also wear a collar with your phone number on it. For safety, it’s also important that your dog and baby are never left alone. Over time, your pet will likely become very protective of your child. This can be problematic when your child gets older and they are playing with other children. If a child ever pushes your child, they will likely get a warning bark from your dog. This can also be an advantage to prevent strangers from approaching your child.

    Keep Your Pet Clean
    It’s important to protect your baby from germs in their early days, so make sure your pet is as clean as they can be. You won’t want to be dealing with a muddy dog running around the house when you have a newborn to deal with anyway, so consider asking a friend or family member if they can take your pet for a grooming. As your pet and baby become closer, it’s important to make sure your dog doesn’t make your child sick.

    Give Your Dog Plenty Of Attention
    Dogs can start acting out with nuisance behaviour after the arrival of a newborn, as they are upset that they don’t get as much attention as they are used to. Although it might be difficult, you should try to stick to your original routine as much as possible. Feed your dog at the normal times and try to walk him as much as possible. It’s also important to play with your pet and give him plenty of attention. Thankfully, babies often get a lot of enjoyment out of watching dogs play, so you can kill two birds with one stone and keep everyone happy!

    the source
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  6. #36
    Junior Member
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    i am new

    i am new i want to premium excess,

  7. #37
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2018

    good mood, and how are you?

    good mood all day =)
    and how are you?
    good mood

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Hi All

    I'm rock from australia. just started in forex and been actively learing for two months now. NewDigital looks very promissing in my forex journey and will be a member soon. Want to be a day trader, trading trends.

  9. #39
    Senior Member Taylor Woods's Avatar
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    With the advancement of technologies, a wide variety of digital fields are being well admired as income generating sources. Those people who want to earn money from home can take the benefits from such virtual earning platforms undoubtedly. The name of “Forex” generally appears in the mind of people when we are thinking of global and digital earning stage where millions of stakeholders are efficiently taking participate to exchange currencies and generate revenues.

  10. #40
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    Hi from Scotland

    Just joined and look forward to catching up.

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