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EUR/USD Forecast Dec. 28 – Jan. 1

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by , 12-29-2015 at 11:54 AM (832 Views)
EUR/USD Forecast Dec. 28 – Jan. 1

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EUR/USD gained some ground ahead of the Christmas holiday and edged closer to 1.10. The last week of the year features two figures. Here is an outlook for the highlights of this week and an updated technical analysis for EUR/USD.

Spain’s elections resulted in a hung parliament and this stirred some worries, worries that support the euro on safe haven flows. However, some of the moves are related to end-of-year action. In the US, we learned that final GDP is 2% in Q3, within expectations. Housing disappointed while durable goods orders were OK.

  1. Spanish Flash CPI: Wednesday, 8:00. The euro-zone’s fourth largest economy has seen significant growth and also significant inflation. Prices fell 0.3% in November y/y and now we gets preliminary data for December. A rise of 0.1% is expected.
  2. Monetary data: Wednesday, 9:00. The ECB’s loose monetary policy is making its way into the system via money supply and more private loans. The former has risen 5.3% y/y and 5.2% is now on the cards. The latter saw 1.2% and 1.3% is on the cards now.

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