The Witcher 3 has been both critically and commercially successful since its release last week, but it’s not without its issues. Most notably, the frame rate on the PS4 and Xbox One has been sub-par. Nobody sincerely expected it to be hitting 60fps on either console, but it seems that it can’t even maintain a solid 30fps. We’re a year and a half into this console generation, and AAA developers still can’t keep the frame rate up.
The team at Digital Foundry did a brief comparison of the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game, but the results are far from clearcut. As you may remember, the PS4 version runs at 1080p, but the Xbox One uses dynamic resolution scaling to switch between 900p and 1080p depending on how graphically intensive the scene is. And while the PS4 is capped at 30fps, the Xbox One is not.