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  1. Trading the News: EUR/USD to Eye May High on Dismal U.S. Retail Sales Report

    by , 06-11-2015 at 09:22 AM
    - U.S. Advance Retail Sales to Rebound After Holding Flat in April.
    - Household Spending Has Failed to Meet Market Forecast the Last Five Straight Prints.

    Trading the News: U.S. Advance Retail Sales

    A 1.2% rebound in U.S. Retail Sales may increase the appeal of the greenback and highlight a more bearish outlook for EUR/USD as the Fed remains on course to normalize monetary policy in 2015.

    What’s Expected:

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Views: 180
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  2. Kite festival, or Festival of the Winds in Sydney, Australia

    by , 06-11-2015 at 12:34 AM
    Kite festival, or Festival of the Winds in Sydney, Australia.

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  3. UK Growth Improves In May

    by , 06-10-2015 at 08:18 PM
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    The U.K. economy grew at a faster pace in May than in April, latest estimates from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research showed Wednesday.

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Views: 83
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  4. nonsense

    by , 06-10-2015 at 02:11 AM
    ...such a nonsense...

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Views: 114
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  5. U.S Consumer Credit Jumps More Than Expected April

    by , 06-07-2015 at 04:25 AM
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Views: 210
Size:  80.9 KB

    Consumer credit in the U.S. showed another significant increase in the month of April, according to a report released by the Federal Reserve on Friday.

    The report said consumer credit surged up by $20.5 billion in April after jumping by an upwardly revised $21.3 billion in March.

    Economists had expected credit to climb by about $16.5 billion compared to the $20.5 billion increase originally reported for the previous month. ...
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