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Nikkei 225 Technical Analysis: Just Hanging On or Ready for Takeoff?

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by , 12-01-2017 at 09:35 AM (851 Views)
The index remains at first glance very much where it was; a shade below this year’s overall highs but certainly holding on at a relatively elevated level. However, appearances can be deceptive. For there have been some changes to the picture and they’re quite encouraging ones for any bulls out there even if they’re hard to spot. For one thing the trading range has narrowed somewhat, in that its base is now clearly a little higher. Last week we were looking at 21,853, now it’s more like 21,173. At face value this looks encouraging. Not only are we seeing “higher lows”, but the pattern looks broadly consolidative which may mean that the index pushes on higher once it breaks.

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Note that the index doesn’t look either oversold or overbought to any great degree at present. That is a probably welcome change from the situation in early November. Back then it was overbought with a vengeance. Now its Relative Strength Index has collapsed back to a sober 54, well below the exuberant 80-plus levels hit back then. The safety zone is generally considered to be between 30 and 70. That the Nikkei can look so relaxed at current levels is probably also a reassuring sign.


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