Fourier transform is a method of decomposing a wave of data points into possible constituent parts that was introduced by Joseph Fourier. Integrating over all possible frequencies in the Fourier transform gives us a spectrum of components because it breaks down the original function into its constituents, each corresponding to a different frequency component. more...
Over the past few decades, researchers around the world have come up with many metaheuristic search methods to solve complex global optimization problems and ways to improve them. The ElectroMagnetism-like (ЕМ) algorithm is a relatively new metaheuristic search algorithm based on the simulation of the behavior of electromagnetic particles in physical space, first introduced by I. Birbil and S.С. Fang in 2003. It is described ... you can create the True Strength Index Indicator from scratch. We will learn the specifics of this indicator and see how to calculate it in our code. Not that only, but we will learn how we can use this customized indicator in a trading system based on a trading strategy by creating an Expert Advisor. more...
In the previous article Creating an EA that works automatically (Part 11): Automation (III), we looked at how we can create a robust system, minimizing the failures and loopholes that can affect a program. In the previous article, I raised this question and left it for you to understand where this flaw was, and how it could cause problems, so that we could not automate our EA at 100% yet. Did you manage to understand where the failure was and how it could have been triggered? Well, if ...
There are many optimization methods inspired by processes occurring in nature, such as evolutionary computation, artificial immunology, population methods and others. SSG is basically defined as iterative generation and combination processes working with a garden of potential solutions called seedlings. The Saplings Sowing and Growing (SSG) algorithm was proposed by A. Karci with co-authors in 2002. The algorithm is inspired by the evolution of ...