During Photokina in Germany, the startup company Relonch released an Apple iPhone case with a massive APS-C sensor built-in. Dubbed Relonch Camera, the accessory will reportedly be available for iPhone 5/5s and iPhone 6 when it launches. Relonch Camera will connect to the smartphone via the Lightning port. It will reportedly have a fixed lens with f/2 or better aperture. The accessory will also have the ability to act as a backup battery to ...
Digital Martingale-2 EA for MT4 build 600++ ---------- Digital Martingale-2 600+ EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. EA is using Dfs separate for ea indicator and good for H1 timeframe. This version is for the build 600 and above ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
UniParabolic indicator with popup/email alerts ---------- UniParabolic_v3.1 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is updated UniParabolic indicator with the advanced popup/email alert. The version is for MT4 build 600 and above ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
WildersDMI for MT4 build 600++ ---------- WildersDMI Adaptive_v1 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum.This is MTF indicator with DMI_CPRatio, ADX_CPRatio and ADXR_CPRatio whch are based on Cycle Period Ratio. Indicator is having Dominant Cycle Smoothing feature. This version is for the build 600 and above ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading ...
NVIDIA has announced two new graphics cards for the PC, the flagship single-GPU GTX 980 and the mid-range GTX 970. Both are based on NVIDIA’s 10th generation Maxwell architecture, which succeeds Kepler. Other than being more powerful, the two new graphics cards also introduce some new technologies from NVIDIA, including Voxel Global Illumination (VXGI), which enables real-time global illumination. This enables the light to reflect off surfaces ...