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Masterforex-V Signals and Analysis

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by , 08-14-2014 at 09:28 AM (1511 Views)
Masterforex-V Training News: How to estimate the effectiveness of training of junior traders

Evaluation of the trade’s results of a particular trader is a simple process: you need to look at the outcome for some same periods and determine how increases (or conversely, decreases) his trading accounts.
For comparison of several traders’ work, this approach is inefficient; we already have to take into account the working tool by which trade is conducted, the working timeframe, market activity, trading account size and many other factors.
What can we say about the evaluation of trade beginners, here variations of the initial conditions and results for the period are huge, and we need to evaluate not the numbers on the trading account, but actions in transactions before and after training.
When teaching beginners at the Department of synergistic body-wave analysis of the Masterforex-V World Academy are solve two main tasks of the first level of training:
- To master the methodology of analysis of the currency pair Euro dollar on TS SOVA;
- To work out practical skills of making trading decisions in accordance with the rules of trade TS SOVA.
When learning objectives are specified, it becomes easier to assess its results.
Graphical method for analysis of price movement makes it easy to determine whether the student meets the requirements of figure trading system, and the transaction for the period plotted price movement with reflection levels and stop profit and size of trading positions, clearly show its compliance with trade rules.
A practical example of the department:
Graphical analysis of TF M15

Conducted transaction:

n one survey conducted by the department, students in total answered to the question what the main trader must learn: the main thing - to learn to make the right trading decisions in accordance with the rules of the TS. The responses reflected awareness of the importance of personal qualities of trader to trade on the difficult Forex market.
Of course, in order to become a successful trader, the first level of training is not enough, but every freshman has the opportunity to assess their chances of success, gradually climbing the stairs skill, from simple to complex. A further growth as a trader requires considerable effort, perseverance and constant work on oneself; such problems are solved on the second level of training of SOVA department.
More information about the SOVA department can be found on the Forum of Masterforex-V World Academy.

Best regards,

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