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updated BBands_Stop indicator with ability to use the AllAverages

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by , 06-04-2015 at 08:46 PM (1188 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by igorad View Post

Please check out the updated BBands_Stop indicator with ability to use the AllAverages indicator instead of the iMA function.

//---- input parameters
extern int     TimeFrame            =     0;    //TimeFrame in min
extern int     UpBandPrice          =     0;    //Upper Band Price(ex.2 for High)     
extern int     LoBandPrice          =     0;    //Lower Band Price(ex.3 for Low) 
extern int     MA_Length            =    20;    //Bollinger Bands Period
extern int     MA_Method            =     0;    //MA Method(0...26) 
extern double  Deviation            =     1;    //Deviation
extern int     DeviationLength      =    20;    //Period of Standard Deviation
extern double  MoneyRisk            =  1.00;    //Offset Factor

extern int     SignalMode           =     1;    //Signal mode: 0-off,1-on  
extern int     LineMode             =     1;    //Line mode: 0-off,1-on  
extern int     DotMode              =     1;    //Dot mode: 0-off,1-on  

extern string  alerts               = "--- Alerts & Emails ---";
extern int     AlertMode            =     1;
extern int     AlertShift           =     1;    //Alert Shift:0-current bar,1-previous bar
extern int     SoundsNumber         =     5;    //Number of sounds after Signal
extern int     SoundsPause          =     5;    //Pause in sec between sounds 
extern string  UpSound              = "alert.wav";
extern string  DnSound              = "alert2.wav";
extern int     EmailMode            =     0;    //0-on,1-off   
extern int     EmailsNumber         =     1;    //0-on,1-off
Name:  bbandsstop_3.1 600+.png
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