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Price Action: Terms and Tips

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by , 05-14-2015 at 10:27 AM (1000 Views)
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  • Trend: two successively higher tops and bottoms (uptrend)
  • Trend: two successively lower tops and bottoms (downtrend)
  • Other names for a positive trend: run up/bull run/rally
  • Other names for a negative trend: run down/bear run/decline
  • Trading range: the market moves up and down within a consistent range without establishing a definitive trend in one direction
  • Consolidation: the range of price's movement constricts as the market becomes directionless
  • Reversal: the market moves in the opposite direction from the previous trend, implying the end of that trend
  • Retrace: the market moves some amount in the opposite direction from the previous trend before the trend is eventually reinstated
  • 2 Attempts Rule: the idea that if the market attempts to do something twice and fails, the opposite will happen
  • Break-out: the market breaks out of a trading range or a resistance level
  • Clear-out: the market's break-out in one direction is quickly followed by its movement in the opposite direction
  • Throwback: retracement after a break above
  • Pullback: retracement after a break below

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