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3 AllAverages indicators system with templates

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by , 04-13-2019 at 06:56 AM (1083 Views)
And this is the template file (attached) about what Igorad mentioned in the first post (period = 14 for each in indicator' input):

- T3 by T.Tillson (correct version)

- LSMA - Least Square Moving Average (or EPMA, Linear Regression Line)

- ILRS - Integral of Linear Regression Slope

Name:  asctrend_1.gif
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Name:  asctrend_2.gif
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Name:  asctrend_3.gif
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How to install:

  • place indicator (download from first post of this thread) to indicators folder of metatrader 4 directory
  • place template file to template folder (for example - to here C:\Program Files\Alpari NZ MT4\templates)
  • compile indicator in MetaEditor or restart Metatrader.
  • open chart, right mouse click on the chart, select Template and our template (by name). And everything will be loaded.

PS. New template file (allaverages_3_newmt4.tpl) for new build 600+ indicators using is attached. For more information - read first post of the thread.
Attached Thumbnails Attached Files

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