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Cambodia - The World Needs A Photographer Like You

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by , 09-17-2014 at 03:13 PM (1365 Views)
The World Needs A Photographer Like You

That’s right. You! No matter what your skill level, there is a project in this world that is perfect for you. Are you going to get paid for this project? Nope! This one is going to be a freebie.

Now I know what you are thinking. "Whoa Whoa Whoa, stop the clock! You want me to work for free?”

Name:  cambodia1.jpg
Views: 229
Size:  95.2 KB

The people of Cambodia have suffered through not one but many devastating conflicts throughout their history, but despite centuries of hardships, they continue to spring back to life with verve. In addition to the fabled temples of Angkor, the country is also home to a tropical coastline, a swiftly developing eco-friendly adventurer's paradise in the mountains, and a capital city in the midst of a culinary and cultural renaissance.

Name:  cambodia2.jpg
Views: 54
Size:  49.7 KB

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