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  1. Neural Networks Made Easy (Part 81): Context-Guided Motion Analysis (CCMR)

    by , 12-15-2024 at 11:52 AM
    A particularly interesting method entitled CCMR was presented in the paper "CCMR: High Resolution Optical Flow Estimation via Coarse-to-Fine Context-Guided Motion Reasoning". It is an approach to optical flow estimation that combines the advantages of attention-oriented methods of motion aggregation concepts and high-resolution multi-scale approaches. The CCMR method consistently integrates context-based motion grouping concepts into a high-resolution coarse-grained estimation framework. This
  2. Neural networks made easy (Part 80): Graph Transformer Generative Adversarial Model (GTGAN)

    by , 12-08-2024 at 11:52 AM
    The recently published paper "Graph Transformer GANs with Graph Masked Modeling for Architectural Layout Generation" introduces the algorithm for the graph transformer generative adversarial model (GTGAN), which succinctly combines both of these approaches. The authors of the GTGAN algorithm address the problem of creating a realistic architectural design of a house from an input graph. The generator model they presented consists of three components: a message passing convolutional neural network
  3. Neural Networks Made Easy (Part 92): Adaptive Forecasting in Frequency and Time Domains

    by , 12-05-2024 at 07:11 AM
    The article presents the results of experiments on eight real data sets, according to which ATFNet shows promising results and outperforms other state-of-the-art time series forecasting methods on many datasets.
  4. Neural Networks Made Easy (Part 94): Optimizing the Input Sequence

    by , 12-01-2024 at 08:14 AM
    A common approach when processing time series is to keep the original arrangement of the time steps intact. It is assumed that the historical order is the most optimal. However, most existing models lack explicit mechanisms to explore the relationships between distant segments within each time series, which may in fact have strong dependencies. For example, models based on convolutional networks (CNN) used for time series learning can only capture patterns within a limited time window. As a result,