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AllTrendEnvelopesTrader_v 1.2 600+ EA

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by , 12-19-2016 at 11:51 AM (1539 Views)
The AllTrendEnvelopesTrader_v.12 600+ EA was created based off AllTrendEnvelopes indicator, as trend trading buy/sell signal. On top of that the EA will also checked the CurrencyStrength Board-v1.9 600+ indicator as filter measuring the exact strength of currency pair before opening any order.

Let's head to the Premium Section forum and become a member to try out this advance EA.

Below are the example trade taken on GBPJPY 30min chart :

Name:  GBPJPYM30.jpg
Views: 652
Size:  111.1 KB

Name:  GBPJPYM30_2.jpg
Views: 136
Size:  99.2 KB

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