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  1. New DirectX 11 vs. DirectX 12

    by , 03-25-2017 at 06:00 PM

    For the last few years, there’s been an ongoing debate about the benefits and advantages (or lack thereof) surrounding DirectX 12. It hasn’t helped any that the argument has been bitterly partisan, with Nvidia GPUs often showing minimal benefits or even performance regressions, while AMD cards have often shown significant performance increases.

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  2. Atari 8-bit’s innovations

    by , 03-25-2017 at 01:41 PM

    I’ve got a shelf full of computer history books, many of which I love and have reread several times. But I wanted to write one that focused on the first real computer I grew up with, the one that eventually led me to the tech industry and journalism: the Atari 800.

    We’ve covered vintage computing many times before on ExtremeTech. I wrote a retro gaming feature back in 2010 (and ...
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  3. Mass Effect: BioWare has moved the story 2.5 million light-years away from the controversial ending of the original trilogy

    by , 03-22-2017 at 08:16 PM

    With this latest installment in the Mass Effect franchise, BioWare has moved the story 2.5 million light-years away from the controversial ending of the original trilogy. Thanks to a lengthy development period, a new engine, a new crop of consoles, and a fresh narrative start, the expectations of fans are fairly high. We’re all dying to see if BioWare delivered the goods.
  4. PlayStation Now will stream PS4 games to the PC

    by , 03-18-2017 at 07:37 AM

    Son' games in the near future. These games won’t be limited to the PS4 — they’ll also be available for streaming to compatible PCs.

    Sony says*PS4 games as well as existing PS3 games will be available via one subscription and promises to share more details as the service moves closer to launch. The service will include cloud saved games, allowing you to begin a game on one device and ...
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  5. Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti can hit 2.1GH

    by , 03-17-2017 at 04:38 PM

    Now that Nvidia’s top-end GTX 1080 Ti is in-market, enthusiasts have begun testing, to see just how much performance they can wring out of the core. So far, the GPU has proven to top out around 1.9GHz in best-case scenarios, with a typical boost clock of around 1.6GHz. But how far can that be pushed?

    That’s what the folks at Tom’s Hardware wanted to know, so they built a ...
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