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Mass Effect: Andromeda launched to a somewhat muted response

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by , 03-26-2017 at 04:10 PM (803 Views)

Earlier this week, Mass Effect: Andromeda launched to a somewhat muted response. Beyond the interface issues and lackluster animations frequently cited by critics, the Xbox One and vanilla PS4 suffer from performance issues as well. Now, we have a better idea of how well the PC version holds up.

The Digital Foundry team gave the early stages a run-through on a high-end gaming PC, and found some substantial improvements. Not only can existing graphics cards handle the game running at 4K at 30fps, but the 1080p60 option is solid as well. Compared with the 1080p30 target on the base PS4 and the 900p30 target on the Xbox One, both configs are superb if you have the hardware to handle it.


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