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  1. Good morning - Two framed crystoleums XIX century scene

    by , 05-10-2015 at 12:01 AM
    C. Haichwood,
    Two framed crystoleums XIX century scene,
    circa 1893

    Name:  Haichwood.jpg
Views: 173
Size:  44.9 KB
  2. Lionsgate Films Moving Ahead Towards Accepting Bitcoin for Their Online Stores

    by , 05-09-2015 at 03:57 AM
    Lionsgate Films Moving Ahead Towards Accepting Bitcoin for Their Online Stores

    Name:  ava1.jpg
Views: 130
Size:  112.3 KB

    This can give huge boost to Bitcoin as the latest development is that the Canadian-American film production studio Lionsgate Films is going to embrace the digital currency soon. For the purpose, it is working to integrate Bitcoin as a payment option on the online stores. It is partnering the digital currency payments processor GoCoin for the job.
    Talking ...
    Tags: gocoin Add / Edit Tags
  3. Good morning - RIO MASQUERADE

    by , 05-07-2015 at 12:43 AM
    Elena Bond painting

    Name:  Rio-Masquerade.jpg
Views: 282
Size:  41.0 KB
    Tags: masquerade, rio Add / Edit Tags
  4. Fine Art Photographer Martin Stranka and His Incredible Images

    by , 05-06-2015 at 03:52 PM
    Martin Stranka is a professional photographer from the Czech Republic, born in April 13, 1984. He is self taught with a distinct vision of photography, self- described as being “where impossible becomes evident, and the perception of reality is shifted to its next level. I perceive photography as an unique space located in a balance and serenity. My work exists in that narrow space of few seconds between dreaming and awaking.”

    Name:  1.jpg
Views: 178
Size:  59.2 KB

    The past ...
  5. Billionaire Richard Branson to Hold Blockchain Summit at his Island

    by , 05-06-2015 at 03:59 AM
    Billionaire Richard Branson to Hold Blockchain Summit at his Island

    Name:  ava1.jpg
Views: 170
Size:  105.7 KB

    Though Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson is hosting the Blockchain Summit in his island, the website reveals that there are some other co-hosts as well. Taking place on Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands from the 25th to 28th, the event will also have co-hosts e.g. BitFury CEO Valery Vavilov and venture capitalists Bill Tai, Suzi Mai and George Kikvadze. ...
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