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Ethtrade Offers Promising Returns On Investment

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by , 09-24-2016 at 03:23 PM (847 Views)

Ethtrade, an investment, trading and asset management company based on Ethereum and Blockchain promises up to 25% per month returns.

Ethtrade is one of the emerging companies, offering investment opportunities using Ethereum platform and Blockchain. They said to have an ambitious team of high level professionals, dedicatedly performing trading operations to grow investments.

They claim to offer 15% to 25% returns per month on the size of the investment by users. Ethtrade team performs trading operations on pairs like ETH/USD and ETH/BTC, which is the main source of generating returns. The company implements a wide range of trading strategies to generate consistent profits. Once a user opens an account, make an investment, all data and detailed financial reports are made available.

In an annual trade report published on their website dated 08/09/2016, the company traders made around 177.5% net profit during From May to August 2016. They reported overall trading volume of 2242 BTC during the stated period considering ETH and Altcoins.
When we look at the weekly reports, then for the days of September 05 to September 09 there was about 4% net return for investors. Ethtrade believes that there are a few Ethereum projects in the pipeline, which can increase the demand of Ethers. Their traders are keeping a close watch on all happenings and news from the ETH team. Such weekly reports increase the confidence in investors and sends a strong statement to critics.


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