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News that Strengthen Cryptocurrency - Feds Might Introduce Negative Rates

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by , 11-02-2015 at 02:09 PM (906 Views)
News that Strengthen Cryptocurrency (XLIX)

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Greece Tightens Capital Control Laws

The Greek authorities announced new measures to strengthen capital controls. According to the available reports, the new laws will be stricter for public servants and pensioners. By drastically limiting the withdrawal of cash and force using debit cards, authorities hope to stop tax evasion carried out through the use of “false cash registers.”

Feds Unlikely to Raise Interest Rates in 2015

The odds that the Federal Reserve (the US central bank) interest rates will rise in 2015 are reduced to new evidence of an anemic economy. Futures markets estimate that the possibility of a hike this month is almost zero and consider that there is a 1 in 3 chance of that happening later this year.

Feds Might Introduce Negative Rates amid Next Crisis

William Dudley, the president of New York Federal Reserve office, has stated that he is willing to introduce negative interest rates would there be a economic crisis. It is the same option which the Federal Reserve had rejected during the 2008’s recession. However, Dudley referred to Europe as his prime inspiration to introduce negative interest rates at affordable costs.


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