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Introduction to MetaTrader 5 and Programming with MQL5

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by , 07-31-2019 at 05:12 PM (1280 Views)
Introduction to MetaTrader 5 and Programming with MQL5 : Create your 1st Investment Robot with MQL5 step by step from ZERO
by Rafael F. V. C. Santos

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MetaTrader 5 is a powerful platform for visualizing, operating and scheduling investment strategies for various types of financial markets.
We will develop a cross-over strategy of two moving averages (one fast and one slow) with the possibility of an input filter in the trader with the very popular RSI (Relative Strength Index) indicator.

Our robot will be multi-strategy. It can work, using as input triggers in the operations, only the crossing of the moving averages, only the RSI or both (crossing of averages plus RSI).
We will also learn how to make backtests. Thus we will be able to test various setups on historical data of various financial assets. The e-book is full of screen capturing guidelines, using the main MetaTrader 5 and MetaEditor fields.

Here's a summary of what you'll learn from reading this e-book:

  • Learn how to install MetaTrader 5;
  • Know the main benefits of MetaTrader's online portal;
  • Understand the main features and differences between MetaTrader and MQL5:
  • Learn to add indicators and robots;
  • Know MetaEditor and some of the key shortcuts to make programming easier;
  • Learn the MQL5 programming syntax;
  • Know the main functions of the MQL5 development libraries.
  • Create a strategy using trend indicators (moving averages) and consolidated market (Relative Strength Index - RSI);
  • Program a multi-strategy Robot step-by-step;
  • Make backtests of EA created;
  • Know the backtest statistics;
  • And much more.

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