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  1. Amsterdam - the city of canals, Netherlands

    by , 10-04-2016 at 05:46 PM
    Amsterdam - the city of canals, Netherlands

    Name:  Amsterdam - the city of canals, Netherlands.jpg
Views: 136
Size:  83.9 KB
  2. Good morning - Ohara Koson painting

    by , 10-04-2016 at 07:43 AM
    Ohara Koson (Japan, 1877-1945)
    Evening Sailboats

    Name:  Evening Sailboats.jpg
Views: 290
Size:  95.0 KB
  3. Tomasz Alen Kopera painting

    by , 10-03-2016 at 03:01 AM
    Tomasz Alen Kopera was born in 1976 in Kożuchów, Poland. He attended the University of Technology in Wrocław, where he gained a degree in construction engineering. His artistic talent came to light already in early childhood. Tomasz paints in oil on canvas. Human nature and the mysteries of the Universe are his inspiration. His paintings permeate with symbols that often relate to human psyche and man’s relation with the surrounding world. His paintings are dark and mysterious. The technique, ...
    Tags: wrocław Add / Edit Tags
  4. Angkor sunrise

    by , 09-28-2016 at 05:56 PM
    Angkor sunrise

    Name:  Angkor sunrise.png
Views: 168
Size:  371.3 KB
    Tags: angkor Add / Edit Tags
  5. Bakong temple

    by , 09-28-2016 at 11:53 AM
    Bakong is the first temple mountain of sandstone constructed by rulers of the Khmer empire at Angkor near modern Siem Reap in Cambodia. In the final decades of the 9th century AD, it served as the official state temple of King Indravarman I in the ancient city of Hariharalaya, located in an area that today is called Roluos.

    Name:  bbbbb.png
Views: 156
Size:  469.9 KB
    Tags: cambodia Add / Edit Tags
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