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  1. Mother, Empress, Virgin, Faith: 'Picturing Mary' And Her Many Meanings - Sandro Botticelli's Madonna and Child, painted in 1480

    by , 12-31-2014 at 11:38 AM

    Sandro Botticelli's Madonna and Child, painted in 1480, shows a reflective Mary in deep blue.

    Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan/National Museum of Women in the Arts

    This Christmas, images of the Virgin Mary created over five centuries, glow on the walls of the National Museum of Women in the ...
  2. Timothy Spall finds beauty in the unlikeliest places - 'Mr. Turner' Is A Snuffling, Growling Work Of Art

    by , 12-27-2014 at 12:39 PM

    Timothy Spall finds beauty in the unlikeliest places as painter J.M.W. Turner.

    If you picture landscape painting as a delicate, ethereal, pristine process involving an easel on a hillside and a sunset, Mr. Turner will be an eye-opener.

    Tim Spall grunts and snorts his way through the film as J.M.W. Turner in ways that will forever link ...
  3. Scott Prior painting

    by , 12-15-2014 at 05:26 PM
    Scott Prior (American, 1949) lives and works in Northampton, Massachusetts, where he has been a resident since 1971. Born in Exeter, New Hampshire, he received a BFA in printmaking from the University of Massachusetts in 1971. He has artwork in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the DeCordova Museum, the Danforth Museum, the Rose Art Museum and other major public and private collections. He has shown extensively in one-person and group shows in the United States and abroad. In 2001 he had a mid-career ...
  4. '#Blackmendream': Showcasing A Different Side Of Black Manhood - A still from the art film #Blackmendream

    by , 12-15-2014 at 09:13 AM

    A still from the art film #Blackmendream. The film features nine men, turned away from the camera and talking about their hopes and fears.

    Nine men sit turned away from the camera; their faces are never shown. Many are shirtless or naked. They answer questions like: When did you become a black man? Do you cry? How were you ...
  5. The Fine Art Of Deception - An anamorphic installation portrait of Malian actor Sotigui Kouyate by French artist Bernard Pras.

    by , 12-13-2014 at 11:36 AM

    An anamorphic installation portrait of Malian actor Sotigui Kouyate by French artist Bernard Pras.

    Fooling the eye – with trick-niques like anamorphic sculpture, trompe l'oeil paintings and other optical illusions – is a centuries old artistic pursuit.

    From the ancient frescoes of Pompeii ...
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