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  1. Darvas Boxes advanced version

    by , 01-23-2022 at 03:39 PM
    Darvas Boxes


    DarvasBoxes_v3 indicator was programed for Premium Trading Forum. This is the most advanced version of the Darvas Boxes for MT4. This indicator can plot the Darvas Boxes according to following rules(DarvasMode):

    0-Classic (by Upper Pivot)
    1-Modern (by Upper Pivot)
    2-Bi-directional Classic (UpTrend by Upper Pivot, DownTrend by Lower Pivot)
    3-Bi-directional Modern (UpTrend by Upper Pivot, DownTrend by Lower ...
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  2. Ocean Theory Tools: UniNMA (Universal Natural Moving Average) indicators

    by , 01-23-2022 at 05:39 AM
    Ocean Theory Tools


    UniNMA_v1 indicator and UniNMA lookback_v1 indicator were created for Premium Trading Forum. UniNMA or Universal Natural Moving Average is using the UniEMA instead of the EMA, and this is an adaptive moving average with an original algoritm of the lookback period calculation.

    All kinds of alert incl email alert are included.

    Name:  uninma_1.png
Views: 128
Size:  32.2 KB

    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  3. BandPass Cycle Finder

    by , 01-23-2022 at 01:40 AM
    BandPass Cycle Finder


    BandPassCycleFinder_v2 (for for the build 509) and BandPassCycleFinder_v2.1 is (for the build 600 and above) were created for Premium Trading Forum. This is advanced BandPass Cycle Finder indicator which is based on J.Ehlers researches.

    Name:  bandpasscyclefinder_2.png
Views: 100
Size:  53.4 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  4. AllHeikin-Ashi subwindow indicator

    by , 01-22-2022 at 08:07 PM
    AllHeikin-Ashi subwindow


    AllHeikin-Ashi subwindow_v2.7 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is MTF indicator with smooth feature, UptrendColor/DowntrendColor parameters and all kinds of alerts incl email alert and Push Notification. The indicator is having new parameter ShowNextTimeFrame (if true then you'll see the next timeframe).

    Name:  AllHeikin-Ashi subwindow.png
Views: 106
Size:  20.8 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium ...
  5. RINA Pivots indicator based on the Dynamic Zones algorithm

    by , 01-22-2022 at 05:16 AM
    RINA Pivots


    RINA Pivots_v1 indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This TF indicator is based on that are based on the Dynamic Zones algorithm.

    Name:  rinapivots_1.png
Views: 76
Size:  27.5 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
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