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  1. Double Top & Bottom Pattern indicator with signal mode and all kinds of alerts

    by , 12-23-2021 at 08:51 PM
    Double Top & Bottom Pattern indicator with alert


    UniZigZagChannel_v2.6 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. The is the first version of the Double Top & Bottom Pattern indicator (which is based on the UniZigZagChannel) with MTF feature, Double Top & Bottom Reversal Value, signal mode and all kinds of alerts.

    Name:  UniZigZagChannel26600_1.jpg
Views: 83
Size:  76.8 KB

    Name:  UniZigZagChannel26600_2.jpg
Views: 65
Size:  95.9 KB


    You ...
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  2. UniVolumeDelta indicators for MT4 and MT5 for offline charts

    by , 12-23-2021 at 12:45 PM
    Updated UniVolumeDelta indicators for MT4 and MT5 to work properly on the offline charts


    UniVolumeDelta_v1.5 600+ indicator for MT4 and UniVolumeDelta_v1_5 indicator for MT5 were created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the UniVolumeDelta indicator updated to work properly on the offline charts, and it is able to plot the levels as lines from end of the time channel with the alerts for the channel bounds breakouts.

    Name:  univolumedelta156700.png
Views: 96
Size:  22.2 KB
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  3. PointAndFigureChart and PointAndFigureTrend indicators for MT5 with alerts

    by , 12-23-2021 at 03:43 AM
    PointAndFigureChart and PointAndFigureTrend indicators for Metatrader 5


    PointAndFigureChart_v1_9 indicator for Metatrader 5 and PointAndFigureTrend_v1_9 indicator for Metatrader 5 were created for Premium Trading Forum. Those are the advanced PointAndFigure indicators which allows to get the PnF Close/Open prices in the Data Window and with all kinds of alerts incl email alert and push notification.

    Name:  Pand figures1204.gif
Views: 90
Size:  66.5 KB
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  4. Volume Statistics: WmiVol indicator for Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5 with many features

    by , 12-23-2021 at 01:48 AM
    Volume Statistics: WmiVol indicator for Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5


    WmiVol_v2.2 indicator for MT4 and MT5 was created for Premium Trading Forum. This indicator is calculates the average volume per bar (on the same position within the day) using history and then shows the differences between bars below the average volume and the ones above - for all the days calculation or for specific day, using difference of High-Low or bar volume, and other features.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags