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  1. The Next Recession: Cause and Timing - So we have nothing to fear so long as the Fed acts at just the right time and in just the right magnitude

    by , 05-11-2015 at 04:20 PM
    We will have a recession within the next few years, which is an easy forecast. Ten years is the longest we’ve gone between one recession and another, and we’re already five years past the end of the last one.

    The Federal Reserve’s unwinding of its stimulus is the most likely cause of the next recession. For a while Europe was the most troubling threat. Although risk still comes to use from Europe and the Middle East, the Fed is now the greatest concern.

    In the recession ...
  2. Good morning - Square d'Anvers

    by , 05-11-2015 at 02:14 AM
    Square d'Anvers
    Federico Zandomeneghi

    Name:  Square.jpg
Views: 106
Size:  90.6 KB
  3. Good morning - Vadim Kucher painting

    by , 05-06-2015 at 05:27 PM
    Vadim Kucher

    Name:  VadimKucher.jpg
Views: 201
Size:  96.8 KB
    Tags: vadim kucher Add / Edit Tags
  4. Goldman Sachs outlook: GS targets EUR/USD at 1.00 in 6-months and USD/JPY at 125 over the same end of period

    by , 05-01-2015 at 03:03 AM
    In a special note to clients today, Goldman Sachs updates its outlook on EUR/USD and USD/JPY noticing that the latest messages form the ECB and BoJ seem to be 'lost in translation'. The following are the key points in GS' note along with its latest forecasts for EUR/USD and USD/JPY.

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Views: 208
Size:  201.3 KB

    1- "When central banks are implementing QE – as the ECB and Bank of Japan clearly are – they deliver two basic messages. First, they comment on whether ...
  5. Mystery Trader Rewrites Flash Cash Story

    by , 05-01-2015 at 12:22 AM
    Name:  150421170223-flash-crash-2010-780x439.jpg
Views: 222
Size:  60.5 KB

    From a modest stucco house in suburban west London, where jetliners roar overhead on their approach to Heathrow Airport, a small-time trader was about to play a hand in one of the most harrowing moments in Wall Street history.

    Navinder Singh Sarao was as anonymous as they come -- little more than a day trader by the standards of the Street.

    But on that spring day five years ago, U.S. authorities now say, Sarao helped send ...
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