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EUR/USD Weekly Outlook: 2016, October 16 - October 23

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by , 10-16-2016 at 07:29 PM (780 Views)
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EUR/USD was on the back foot as the US dollar dominated across the board. Can it continue falling?. The upcoming week’s highlight is undoubtedly the ECB meeting. Here is an outlook for the highlights of this week.

  1. CPI (final): Monday, 9:00. The numbers are expected to be confirmed now.
  2. German PPI: Thursday, 6:00.
  3. Current Account: Thursday, 8:00.
  4. EU Economic Summit: Thursday and Friday. Leaders of the European Union convene for a two day summit to discuss economic matters.
  5. Rate decision: Thursday, rate decision at 11:45, press conference at 12:30.
  6. Consumer Confidence: Friday, 14:00.

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