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Weekly Outlook: 2016, May 22 - May 29

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by , 05-22-2016 at 01:19 PM (1134 Views)
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The US dollar had a positive week, enjoying support from the Fed. UK and US GDP updates, US durable goods orders and key German surveys stand out. These are the highlights of this week.

  1. German ZEW Economic Sentiment: Tuesday, 9:00. A rise to 12.1 is expected now.
  2. German Ifo Business Climate: Wednesday, 8:00. Economists from the IFO institute believe German economic activity will show a 0.6% growth while the second quarter is expected to be weaker with a 0.3% expansion rate. Business sentiment is expected to reach 106.9.
  3. Canadian rate decision: Wednesday, 14:00. The BoC is not expected to change its monetary policy this month.
  4. US Crude Oil Inventories: Wednesday, 14:30.
  5. UK GDP data: Thursday, 8:30. The number will likely be confirmed in this publication.
  6. US Durable Goods Orders: Thursday, 12:30. Durable Goods Orders are expected to rise 0.3% in April, as core orders are expected post the same gain.
  7. US Unemployment Claims: Thursday, 12:30. The number of weekly claims is expected to decline slightly to 275,000.
  8. US GDP data: Friday, 12:30.

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