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Weekly EUR/USD Outlook: 2017, June 04 - June 11

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by , 06-04-2017 at 09:34 AM (845 Views)
EUR/USD made an attempt to move higher but never went too far. The highlight of the upcoming week is the ECB decision. Will Draghi upgrade the assessment? Here is an outlook for the highlights of this week.

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  1. Services PMIs: Tuesday: 7:15 for Spain, 7:45 for Italy, final French figure at 7:50, final German release at 7:55 and the final euro-zone number is published at 8:00.
  2. Retail PMI: Tuesday, 8:10.
  3. Sentix Investor Confidence: Tuesday, 8:30. This 2800-strong survey beat expectations in recent months and was on the march to the upside. After hitting a score of 27.4 in May, the figure for June could be a bit higher.
  4. Retail Sales: Tuesday, 9:00. We now get the April data.
  5. German Factory Orders: Wednesday, 6:00. Volatility is not uncommon in this measure.
  6. GDP: Wednesday, 9:00. According to the previous estimates, the euro-zone economy grew by 0.5% in Q1 2017. Since that read, we had an upgrade of GDP from France. Will the euro-zone GDP be upgraded as well?
  7. German Industrial Production: Thursday, 6:00.
  8. French Trade Balance: Thursday, 6:45. France’s trade deficit had already narrowed last year, but it had widened once again, reaching 5.4 billion in March.
  9. ECB rate decision: Thursday, the decision is at 11:45, Draghi’s press conference at 12:30. Will the ECB stop seeing risks as tilted to the downside?
  10. German CPI (final): Friday, 6:00.The figure will likely be confirmed.
  11. German Trade Balance: Friday, 6:00. This surplus reached 19.6 billion euros in March.
  12. French Industrial Production: Friday, 6:45.

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