Hi All,
As you maybe know the Step Charts are one of the oldest types of Graphical Analysis. The well-known Renko, LineBreak, Kagi and Point & Figure Charts also belong to the species of Step Charts. Moreover, they were built on daily closing prices, not on tick data as now.
So please take a look at my version of the Step Charts - StepChartChannel, StepChartTrend and StepChartAge:
Code:extern int TimeFrame = 0; //TimeFrame in min extern int Price = 0; //Applied to (0...6) extern double StepSize = 20; //Size in pips extern int HiLoMode = 0; //High/Low Mode:0-off,1-on extern int VoltyLength = 0; //Volty Length(0-will be used StepSize) extern double VoltyRatio = 1; //Volty Ratio extern double Multiplier = 2; //Reversal Multiplier extern int PreSmooth = 1; //Pre-smoothing Length extern int PreSmoothMode = 3; //Pre-smoothing Method extern int StartPriceMode = 0; //Start Price Mode: 0-as is,1-rounded to StepSize extern int ChannelMode = 0; //0-only lines,1-only bricks,2-line & bricks
By the way, something similar you can buy for only $300 at codefortraders.com.