This is a discussion on IN10TION NewsReader Revival within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Originally Posted by newdigital Reported to Igorad so hope he will fix it. Any news on the fix, because sadly ...
I reminded to Igorad once again.
As to calendar indicators so the only one calendar indicator is working for me: dailyfx calendar indicator. The indicators related to forex-factory forum calendar stopped working (I think - ff forum blocked usage of their calendar in any indicator ...).
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This is related to ForexFactoryNews indicators for MT4 and MT5 as well (from this post).
Seems, ff forum calendar stopped to provide access to indicators.
Example: I attached ff calendar to the chart and got the following message in C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\. ..\MQL4\Files\ForexFactoryNews inside '2017.03.12' file:
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Seems like this is not the case, if you search carefully in the File directory you should find something like "2017-03-12-FFCal-News.xml" (outside ForexFactoryNews folder), open it with notepad or something and look inside. I can't really investigate the problem because, as I said, don't have the access to the indicator source code, so I have to guess the situations from symptoms!Probably the url just moved and the FF staff put a redirect on the previous url. So with a little of luck we can fix it changing the url or parsing the file I mentioned. This should be a quick fix.
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Weird, I get the file with "Forbidden" too but outside the folder a new xml file is created with all the datas. Anyway, for the sake of curiosity, can you please try to open this url with your BROWSER* and report back, thanks!
This url
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