Position traders use technical analysis to find the most promising stock trends and enter and exit positions in the market based on those trends. They can hold positions for just a few days, a few months, or possibly as long as a year or more. Position trading is the type of trading that we discuss the most in this book. After introducing you to the stock markets, the types of brokers and market makers with whom you’ll be dealing, and the tools you need, we discuss the basics of fundamental analysis and technical analysis to help you become a better position trader.
Short-term swing trading
Swing traders work within much shorter time frames than position traders, rarely holding stocks for more than a few days and looking for sharp moves that technical analysis uncovers. Even though we don’t show you the specifics of how to become a swing trader, we nevertheless discuss the basics of swing trading and its strategies in Chapter 17. You can also read about the basics of technical analysis and money-management strategies, both of which are useful topics to check out if you plan to become a swing trader. However, you definitely need to seek additional training before deciding to pursue this style of trading — reading Swing Trading For Dummies by Omar Bassal (Wiley) would be a good start.
Day trading
Day traders never leave their money in stocks overnight. They always cash out. They can trade into and out of a stock position in a matter of hours, minutes, or even seconds. Many outsiders watch day traders in action and
describe it as more like playing a video game than trading stocks. We discuss this high-risk type of trading in Chapter 18, but we won’t be showing you the specifics of how to do it. If day trading is your goal, this book will only take you part of the way there. You’ll discover the basics of technical analysis, but you need to seek out additional training before engaging in this risky trading style — check out Day Trading For Dummies by Ann C. Logue (Wiley).
Going Long or Short
Before you start trading on https://nextpointhost.com/forex-vps , you absolutely have to know what stocks you want
to buy and hold for a while, which is called going long, or holding a long stock position. You likewise have to know at what point holding that stock is no longer worthwhile. Similarly, you need to know at what price you want to enter or trade into a position and at what price you want to exit or trade out of a position. You may be surprised to find out that you can even profit by selling a stock without ever owning it, in a process called shorting. We discuss
these vital trading strategies in Chapter 13.
You can even make money buying and selling options on stocks to simulate long or short stock positions. Buying an option known as a call enables you to simulate a long stock position, in much the same way that buying an option known as a put enables you to simulate a short stock position. You make money on calls when the option-related stock rises in price, and you make money on a put when the option-related stock falls in price.
When placing orders for puts and calls, you’re never guaranteed to make money, even when you’re right about the direction a stock will take. The values of options are affected by how volatile stock prices are in relationship to the overall direction (up or down) in which they are headed. We discuss options and how they work in greater detail in Chapter 19.