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Change symbol from WTI to XTIUSD

This is a discussion on Change symbol from WTI to XTIUSD within the General Discussion forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi... I want to subscribe one of signal provider in MQL5 who trade on XTIUSD,but unfortunately my broker is Alpari-ECN ...

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Change symbol from WTI to XTIUSD


    I want to subscribe one of signal provider in MQL5 who trade on XTIUSD,but unfortunately my broker is Alpari-ECN and symbol is WTI...

    Because of this differences i can not copy his signal to my metatrader4...

    Can any help me how can i solve this problem?

    any script or expert or ...

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Noting you can do - it will be copied in normal way irrespective of the symbol name, or not ...


    This is from the FAQ of the Signals -

    The Provider has trading symbol called GOLD, and my broker has the same instrument, but it is called XAUUSD. Are trades on GOLD copied to XAUUSD in that case?
    If a Subscriber's account has a symbol with the same name as the one on the Provider's account, and trading is fully allowed for the symbol, trades will be copied for this symbol. If trading is allowed partially or disabled for the found symbol, this symbol is considered inappropriate for copying, and the system will continue to search for a suitable symbol:
    1. On the Subscriber's account, the system searches for all symbols with the names coinciding with the Provider's symbol by the first 6 characters. For example, EURUSD == EURUSDxxx == EURUSDyyy.
    2. Full permission to perform trading is checked for each detected symbol. If trading is allowed partially or completely forbidden, such a symbol is discarded.
    3. Margin calculation type is checked for each remaining symbol - if it is Forex, a symbol is considered to be suitable. Symbols of CFD, Futures or other calculation types are discarded.
    4. If no symbols remain after conducting all the checks or more than one symbol is found, it is considered that a symbol mapping attempt has failed and it is impossible to copy Provider's trades for that symbol.
    5. If one suitable symbol is found, it is used for copying Provider's trades.

    The algorithm provides only two exceptions for metal symbols:

    1. XAUUSD == GOLD

    In these two cases, only full permission to perform trades is checked. If such permission is present, the mapping attempt is considered to be successful.
    Example 1: A Provider has positions on EURUSD, while a Subscriber – on EURUSD! (or vice versa) with full trading permission. The terminal performs mapping automatically and copies the trades.
    Example 2: A Provider has positions on EURUSD, while a Subscriber – both on EURUSD! and EURUSD. The copying is performed for EURUSD.
    Example 3: A Provider has positions on GOLD, while a Subscriber – on XAUUSD with full trading permission. The terminal performs mapping automatically and copies the trades.
    Example 4: A Provider has positions on GOLD, while a Subscriber – on XAUUSD with close-only (partial) trading permission. The mapping is considered unsuccessful and no copying is performed.
    uncle wong likes this.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thank you for answer...

    You mean i can copy the signal provider with out any problem ( his symbol is XTIUSD and mine is WTI)?

  4. #4
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amir_A View Post
    Thank you for answer...

    You mean i can copy the signal provider with out any problem ( his symbol is XTIUSD and mine is WTI)?
    I do not know ... I just posted their rules inside the FAQ ...
    You can subscribe to free signal using your demo account with same broker - to see: problem or not.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Taylor Woods's Avatar
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    As a speculator, it's likewise critical to comprehend the way toward hedging since it is a broadly utilized procedure for organizations. In this way, in case you're putting resources into an oil organization, for instance, they may fence against decreases in the cost of oil by utilizing fates contracts. Understanding hedging would make it simpler for you to comprehend the organization's budgetary endeavors.


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