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Brokers Minutes

This is a discussion on Brokers Minutes within the Forex Brokers forums, part of the Trading Forum category; First in Indonesia: Java Global Futures switches to MetaTrader 5 MetaTrader 5 discovers a new market with considerable investment opportunities ...

  1. #411
    member mql5's Avatar
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    First in Indonesia: Java Global Futures switches to MetaTrader 5

    First in Indonesia: Java Global Futures switches to MetaTrader 5

    MetaTrader 5 discovers a new market with considerable investment opportunities – Indonesia. Java Global Futures based in Jakarta has become the first broker in the country offering the multi-asset HFT platform to its traders.
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  2. #412
    member BrokersMinutes's Avatar
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    Creditbit Discusses Development Status in the Recent Update

    Creditbit is an open source software project released under the MIT/X11 license which gives you the power to run, modify, and copy the software and to distribute, at your option, modified copies of the software.*
    The Creditbit dev team recently posted an update to inform the community regarding the development status of the crypto on Bitcoin Talk.


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  3. #413
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    Is Bitcoin in trouble?

    Bitcoin is currently in crisis and there is great concern and confusion surrounding the future of digital currency. As a result, investors in Bitcoin have sold off huge amounts but what has produced this mass panic?

    Early last month, Bitcoin topped an all-time high of $1,350 but less than two weeks later it struggled to exceed the $1,000 and then recorded a low of $944.36.


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  4. #414
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    You should be really careful while choosing a broker. It takes not minutes and not even hours or days, but weeks! Otherwise you'll probably repeat my mistake when I started trading with Exness and lost all my money after that scam changed the margin requirements.

  5. #415
    Junior Member hari's Avatar
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    Ib hotforex indonesia | lokal deposit hotforex

    IB Introducing Broker Hotforex Indonesia

    E Money ib Hotforex indonesia mengembalikkan biaya spread trading anda sebesar $6.00 setiap 1 lot transaksi.
    Hotforex mempermudah deposit dan penarikan balance XM dengan menggunakan Bank lokal indonesia.
    Layanan Deposit Withdraw tersedia untuk Klien/Trader khusus yang berada di bawah Afiliasi IB HotForex Emoney.

    Danai Akun Trading Hotforex anda :


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    Layanan Lokal Deposit dan penarikan Bank lokal Hotforex Indonesia adalah Lokal Deposit Withdraw HotForex, Kami menerima Transaksi Jual beli Deposit WD Balance Broker HotForex Indonesia .
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    Layanan Lokal Deposit dan Penarikan HotForex.

    Layanan Deposit Withdraw tersedia untuk Klien/Trader khusus yang berada di bawah Afiliasi IB HotForex Emoney.
    Untuk melakukan transaksi silahkan buat akun HotForex menggunakan Link kami disini :
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    Catatan : Gunakan email pengirim yang sama dengan email di akun Hotforex anda.

    Silahkan Register Akun Trading HotForex dengan menggunakan Link Kami untuk Mendapatkan Rate Deposit WD Khusus dan Rebate $6/Lot.


  6. #416
    member BrokersMinutes's Avatar
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    Paycom Software Inc. (NYSE:PAYC) is Attracting Smart Money

    In a just published Form 13, filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Paycom Software Inc. (NYSE:PAYC) reported that Brown Capital Management Llc. has picked up 3,100,331 of common stock as of 2017-06-09.

    The acquisition brings the aggregate amount owned by Brown Capital Management Llc. to a total of 3,100,331 representing less than 5.22% stake in the company.


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  7. #417
    member mql5's Avatar
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    The first wave of Turkish brokers migrating to MetaTrader 5

    The first wave of Turkish brokers migrating to MetaTrader 5

    Brokers Minutes-info_securities_turkey__1.png

    "The widespread transition of brokers to the multi-asset HFT MetaTrader 5 platform is well under way, also in Turkey. In recent months, several large companies in Turkey announced the launch of the new product for their traders, including the Istanbul broker Info Yatirim. This confirms the interest of the market participants in expanding the range of offered platforms and their desire to provide traders with the most modern tools for trading in financial markets."
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  8. #418
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    Viberate will enable musicians to charge for their performances in cryptocurrencies

    Supported by the European Commission’s “Music Moves Europe” initiative as well as the Slovenian Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, additionally being advised by Charlie Shrem and Stanford professor / Pinterest Chief Scientist – Dr. Jure Leskovec, Viberate is bound to disrupt the global live music market.

    Unlike many music-related projects on the Ethereum platform, Viberate does not operate in the recorded music sector. Instead, the founders are focusing on the live music market, an industry they have been living and breathing for the past 15 years. They are a group of music executives and creatives, including one of world’s biggest techno DJs and producers, UMEK. Their goal is to solve problems the live music market has been dealing with for decades.


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  9. #419
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    Bitcoin and Gambling – How Legal is the Relationship?

    Not many users are bothered about the relationship between online casinos and Bitcoin. Still, this issue needs a closer look; at least not so much with regards to the U.K. but rather the U.S. where almost every state holds a slightly diverging opinion and sets of regulations to tackle or regulate real money online casino gambling. While gambling isn’t illegal at the federal level, at least technically, some states have made it illegal. What is funny is that despite this ban, there are no clear rules regarding the method used to fund the gambling activity.

    This rather huge grey area has brought even greater divergence in the manner in which people interpret the basic law. Some believe that Bitcoin has succeeded in helping gamblers to circumvent the law that prevents entrepreneurs from opening offshore casinos online and proceed to take cash bets in the United States. The reasoning behind this argument is that no recognized Bitcoin company exists and regulators are at a loss as to where to direct their laws. The authorities, however, think that this is nothing more than an attempt by gamblers to throw spanner in the works.


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  10. #420
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    KICKICO is burning more than 40 million of its tokens

    The platform for fundraising and crowd-investing KICKICO, after having successfully raised more than $25 million dollars this past September, is going to destroy millions of tokens. After this campaign and limited emission (458 million tokens instead of the 750 million planned), there will be 50% less KickCoins on the market than what was expected.

    According to the KICKICO white paper, the unsold and unallocated KickCoins will be frozen on a smart-contract without the possibility of their subsequent withdrawal or use. Therefore, over 42 million KICK tokens will be burned. The KickCoins issue was pre-programmed and will be implemented in accordance with the KickCoins Release Plan to protect the price of KICK from speculative risks,, distributing additional tokens every month until September, 2019. For instance, in November 2017, the bonus for all KickCoin holders will be 2%, and in December the bonus will only be 1%.


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