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Saxo bank - Dealing with the copy trade service

This is a discussion on Saxo bank - Dealing with the copy trade service within the Forex Brokers forums, part of the Trading Forum category; There are many ways you can trade the market of Forex. Many traders are smart and they do not want ...

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Saxo bank - Dealing with the copy trade service

    There are many ways you can trade the market of Forex. Many traders are smart and they do not want to work. These people do not develop their own strategy and they want to get the other people’s strategy to use in their trades. These people use copy trading in Forex. In copy trading, you simply copy the trade setting of other traders in your account and place that trade. If the traders are good, you can make the profit and if they do not know the market, you will have no success with your copy trading. Many people do not know about copy trading and this article will tell them what is this trading and if it is good for their trades.

    Many retail traders often try to master the art of other people trading system. But every trader is different and they use their own method to trade the market. You might have all the details of the professional traders trading system yet you will not be able to make a consistent profit based on other people trading strategy. You need to assess your trading personality and based on that you have to develop your own trading system. The moment you step into the trading world is the very moment you start challenging yourself. You need to understand that your knowledge is the key ingredient to become a successful trader. You can’t make any real progress unless you know how to trade this market based on your trading knowledge.

    The manual trading system is the best way to make a consistent profit. But if you look at the professional trader at Australia you will understand the importance of the personal trading system. Based on your personality and trading knowledge you need to develop balance trading system. But before you jump in the real CFD trading industry, you need to ask yourself if you can truly handle the heat of this Forex market. Without having strong confidence, it’s almost impossible to make money.

    Copy trading
    This trading strategy is copying what other traders have set in their trading platform and uses them in your trades. You make your trading plans by the strategies that are used by the traders in Forex. When you copy to trade in Forex, you do not have to work on your strategy and you do not have to analyze the market. The other traders will do that for you and you can place your trades.

    Is it profitable?
    This market is about money and all we want to know about this strategy is if it can give us money. were cannot tell if you are going to make money in Forex by copy trading but if your trading is good and you follow the trades, you can make money in Forex. You can also copy trade in your account and use your leisure time to develop your strategy and analyze the market. It will also help you to know how good the other traders are. Many people trade with groups and it is better than that. Many professional traders give their strategies to the people and you can follow them by giving them money. If they make the profit, it will be also profitable for you. If these traders are not good, you will not make money.

    Why do traders copy trade?
    Many people want to get rich but do not work. For these people, they think copy trading is the best strategy and they use the trading of the other people. When you copy trading you only copy the trading plan of traders but you do not know why they are doing this. If you develop your strategy, you can traders the market. Many traders copy trade and they start developing their strategy. If you are thinking of copy trading in Forex, you should also develop your strategy and trade the market with your own strategy.
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    What to do when you are losing money?

    We know that all the traders cannot be profitable in Forex. This is market where one trader make money and the other one loses money. If you find that you are losing money in Forex, there are many ways you can make your trading profitable. It will not take time but only some work and your discipline. This article will tell you what you should do if you find out you are losing your money in Forex.

    Most of the novice traders in the online trading industry always try to avoid losing trades in the financial market. They don’t understand the simple fact that trading is all about probability. No matter how well they trade the market they can never avoid the losing trades. If you look at the professional traders at Saxo you will understand the importance of risk management factors. They often ignore the best trade setups due to risk-reward factors. If you want to make a consistent profit you will have to make sure that you are not risking too much in any single trade. However, if you still lose money, you need to dig deep to identify your problems.

    Take professional trading course
    Those who are losing money on regular basis can dramatically improve their trading career by taking some professional trading course. Many novice traders have mastered the art of trading within a very short period of time. Do you know how they have become so profitable even though they are completely new to this trading industry? The simple answer is a precise guideline. You have to trade in your online trading account by following a fixed set of rules or in other words, a valid trading system. Learning the art of trading is very easy for those who know how to act smart.

    Take a break
    Take a break from your trading and you will find that you are having a good time in Forex. It is not possible to have win streak without any loss in Forex. This market will take your money from sometimes when you are trading. If you think you are losing your money, have a break and it will refresh your mind. Professional traders do not trade the market for a long time and they have broken. You also need to have broken.

    Analyze what you are doing wrong
    If you only take the break from your trading when you lose and do not analyze, you cannot know what is going wrong with you in your trades. You need to know how to make your profit and how you can be a successful trader in Forex. There are lots of ways and one of the ways is to analyze your failures. You need to know what you are doing wrong in Forex and analyze your mistakes. You will find there are many mistakes and you can make more money if you correct your trading.

    Know loss can occur
    If you lose your money in Forex, it does not say that there is something going on in the universe. It is normal and every trader has the loss. When you lost your money, you are knowing something new. Open your mind and know new things. When professional traders started their career in Forex, they had a hard time in making profit. They did not have help from the websites and not much people were trading in the market. They have known all of these all by themselves. You are now trading in a market where you can know everything about your trades. If you do mistakes, know your mistakes. If you lose your money, know why you are losing. Do not try to know every detail of your loss as it is very normal. When you trade for more time, you will find that you are making more money than the other people and not making mistakes.

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    What do you mean? Ofcourse if we want to starting forex trading, we must choose a broker for provide us with the service, so we can do our forex trading activity. Choose a right broker, can be very helpful for our trading, because if we choose a right broker that give us with a good service and good condition for trading, we can do our trading so much more easier.

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