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This is a discussion on InstaForex Company News within the Forex Brokers forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Change in trading conditions for several instruments from June 20, 2016 until June 27, 2016 Dear Clients, The referendum on ...

  1. #21
    Senior Member InstaForex Gertrude's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    Change in trading conditions for several instruments from June 20, 2016 until June 27, 2016

    Dear Clients,

    The referendum on the United Kingdom's membership in the EU is to take place on June 23, 2016.

    The referendum is broadly expected to cause turbulence in global financial markets no matter whether the vote will be for or against Brexit. Any developments in voting and any outcome will evidently make a profound impact on the forex market, first and foremost on the GBP and EUR currency pairs. Therefore, these instruments will be trading with record high volatility throughout next week.

    To protect clients' positions, the company decided to change marginal requirements for certain trading instruments on a temporary basis.

    The following amendments are introduced for the week from June 20 until June 27:

    1.The minimum margin requirement could be raised to 2% for the following currency pairs: GBP/USD, EUR/GBP, GBP/CHF, GBP/JPY, GBP/AUD, GBP/CAD, and GBP/NZD as well as all exotic crosses involving the GBP.

    2.The margin for some stock indices such as #N100, #DAX, and #FTSE could be increased several-fold from a standard requirement in case of higher volatility.

    3.The minimum margin requirement could be raised to 0.5% for the following currency pairs: EUR/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/CHF, EUR/AUD, EUR/CAD, and EUR/NZD as well as all exotic cross pairs involving the EUR.

    As you are aware of higher volatility and big changes in marginal requirements, we strongly advise you to consider seriously that trading the above-mentioned instruments entails grave risks for the whole week.

    Please adjust your trading strategy for the circumstances. You can either minimize or refrain from trading these instruments. Besides, make sure you have enough available funds in your account to maintain open positions.

    We would like to warn you that such changes in trading conditions might not be final. In case of higher volatility and low liquidity, further restrictions could be imposed without advance notice.
    Best regards, PR Manager
    Learn more about InstaForex Company at

  2. #22
    Senior Member InstaForex Gertrude's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    InstaForex ready to reveal scores of latest contests

    The contest administration has determined six winners in interim stages of InstaForex contests and promo campaigns: One Million Option, InstaForex Sniper, FX-1 Rally, Trade Wise Win Device, InstaForex Great Race 2016, and Chancy Deposit. We congratulate our prize takers on excellent performance. May other contestants find their names in future digests.

    One Million Option
    One Million Option is an immensely popular contest suggested by InstaForex. Every stage attracts a large number of traders, who are eager to enter fierce competition and fight for the title of the best options traders. Viktor Kostrikin managed to show the best result in the latest stage of the contest. We remind you that the next stage of the InstaForex One Million Option contest is just around the corner. It will start on June 20, 2016 (GMT+3) and end on June 24, 2016 (GMT+3).

    FX-1 Rally
    Valeriy Sadovnikov turned out to be the best participant in the interim stage of FX-1 Rally. He revealed superb trading and racing skills. Let's congratulate our winner on fair victory! He could secure the status of the best racer in further stages of the FX-1 Rally contest. If you long for tough challenge and are ready to feel the thrill of a race, welcome to the starting line of the nearest round of FX-1 Rally. It will be held from 00:00 (GMT+3) June 24 to 23:59 (GMT+3) June 24.

    Trade Wise, Win Device
    According to the results of the recent stage of the promo campaign, SOLEHAN BIN AHMAD BAIJURI was awarded an iPhone. Do you want to find out whether you are lucky enough to win a new branded gadget? Take part in the next step of the Trade Wise Win Device Campaign. It will run from June 20 (GMT+3) to July 1 (GMT+3). You can register for the campaign on its web page right now.

    InstaForex Sniper
    The golden rule of the InstaForex Sniper contest is to hit a bull's-eye. No wonder it is the most popular tournament among all InstaForex contests. Every stage gathers more and more participants, who want to compete in trading accuracy.
    This time, Vladimir Blinov turned out to be the best trading sniper. Our sincere congratulations to the winner! If you want to challenge your marksmanship, you can register for the next stage, which will be held from June 20 (GMT+3) to June 24 (GMT+3).

    InstaForex Great Race 2016
    Aleksander Zasypkin won the interim stage of InstaForex Great Race 2016. We congratulate the most skillful trader and other prize takers of the recent stage within the yearly marathon.

    Chancy Deposit
    This is an excellent campaign to chance your luck. Follow the rules of the campaign and keep on your trading routine. With a stroke of luck, you can become a lucky winner of the solid prize money like our client Peter Ken Arhebamen.

    Learn more about contests
    Photos and comments of the finalists
    Best regards, PR Manager
    Learn more about InstaForex Company at

  3. #23
    Senior Member InstaForex Gertrude's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    The changes of trading conditions apply to some instruments due to high volatility

    Dear Clients,

    Britain's referendum is over, but high volatility and low liquidity still persist in financial markets. To protect clients' positions and the company's responsibilities from the risks related with the referendum's outcome, margin requirements on some trading instruments will be raised temporarily. Changes will be in place up to and including June 27.

    The changes of trading conditions apply to the following instruments:

    GBPUSD, EURGBP, GBPCHF, GBPJPY, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, and GBPNZD – the margin required for opening new orders totals 2% of the deal size; the margin required for holding opened positions makes up 1%.

    EURUSD, EURJPY, EURCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURNZD – margin is raised to 0.5%.

    GBP exotic crosses, EUR exotic crosses – margin is raised to 1% and 0.5%, respectively.

    Stock indices are available only for closing.

    A return to usual trading conditions will be announced later.
    Best regards, PR Manager
    Learn more about InstaForex Company at

  4. #24
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Hello, Instaforex broker! I wonder does your company held any demo contests?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Santa View Post
    Hello, Instaforex broker! I wonder does your company held any demo contests?
    Hi Santa! Thank you for your message! Yes, we have demo trading contests, you may check it here.

  6. #26
    Senior Member InstaForex Gertrude's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    Limitations placed due to Brexit removed

    Dear Clients,

    Trading conditions, which were changed due to Britain's referendum, are now back to standard for all instruments.

    Margin requirements are again calculated based on leverage for all trading account types.
    Best regards, PR Manager
    Learn more about InstaForex Company at

  7. #27
    Senior Member InstaForex Gertrude's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    Trading hours changed due to Independence Day in US

    Dear Clients!

    It is our priority to ensure your uninterrupted and profitable trading. That is why we inform you of changes in trading hours because of the Independence Day celebration in the United States. Trading hours will be changed on July 4 and 5, 2016.

    July 4, 2016

    The following instruments will not be available for trading:

    CFDs on shares
    Agro Futures
    Goods Futures
    Trading on the following instruments will be closed at 20:00 terminal time:

    Spot metals (GOLD, SILVER, XAUUSD)
    Energy and Metals futures
    July 5, 2016
    Trading will be carried out as usual except for the following instruments:

    Agro Futures (only #ZW, #ZS, #ZL, #ZM, and #ZC) — trading closed at 16:30 terminal time
    Goods Futures (only #LBS) — trading closed at 17:00 terminal time

    Please take time shifts into account when conducting trading operations.

    PS: The schedule is of informative nature and may be changed.

    Best regards,
    InstaForex Support Team
    Best regards, PR Manager
    Learn more about InstaForex Company at

  8. #28
    Senior Member InstaForex Gertrude's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    Success with InstaForex: company’s clients closed more than 200,000 winning trades on Brexit news.

    On June 23, 2016 the Britons voted in the referendum on whether the UK should remain or leave the European Union.

    The outcome came as a surprise to most market players in Forex. On the day when Brexit was declared, InstaForex clients closed more than 200,000 winning trades on GBP, thus gaining total profit of over $6 million.

    Importantly, despite extreme volatility and a complicated market environment in the course of the referendum and vote count, InstaForex offered the most favorable trading conditions, in particular leverage of 1:1,000 for several popular currency pairs. At the same time, a lot of brokers restricted leverage to 1:20-1:33.
    Best regards, PR Manager
    Learn more about InstaForex Company at

  9. #29
    Senior Member InstaForex Gertrude's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    Winners of 7 InstaForex contests revealed

    The contest administration is ready to present to you the results of one more round of contests and promo campaigns held by InstaForex. We are therefore pleased to announce the names of our prize takers in as many as seven competitions at once, including One Million Option, Lucky Trader, InstaForex Sniper, FX-1 Rally, Real Scalping, Chancy Deposit, and Trade Wise, Win Device. Our sincerest congratulations to all the winners who showed great determination to succeed! As for other participants, we hope you will find your names in the next contest digest. May luck will be on your side next time!

    FX-1 Rally
    Yet another stage of FX-1 Rally revealed that Hilal Rasim Xananayev put in the strongest performance due to his outstanding trading and racing skills. We would like to congratulate the winner on overtaking his rivals in a superb race and wish him to retain the title of the best FX-Rally player in the next contest stages.

    If you crave the breathtaking spirit of victory and are not afraid of tough challenges, you are most welcome to become a participant of FX-1 Rally. You can sign up for the upcoming round right now! The competition starts at 00:00 (GMT+3) on July 15, 2016 and ends at 23:59 (GMT+3) on July 15, 2016.

    InstaForex Sniper
    It takes bull's-eye precision and quick-thinking skills to hit the target in InstaForex Sniper. This is probably the most popular tournament among all InstaForex competitions, bringing together more and more participants every week.

    This time, Aleksandr Sultankin managed to defeat his opponents in a fierce struggle, displaying perfect trading accuracy. We sincerely congratulate our winner and wish luck to all players who will join us at the next contest stage to be held from July 18, 2016 (GMT+3) to July 22, 2016 (GMT+3).

    One Million Option
    The One Million Option contest by InstaForex is not only a great opportunity to experience binary options trading but also a chance to win real money rewards. At this round, Nazlin Azmy got lucky and hit the jackpot.

    If you, too, would like to try your hand at One Million Option, keep in mind that the next competition stage will take place very soon - from July 18, 2016 (GMT+3) to July 22, 2016 (GMT+3).

    Lucky Trader
    Firm hand, keen intellect and focus on success – these are the qualities you need to achieve top results in a two-week marathon called Lucky Trader.

    If you believe you can also score two perfect trading weeks and become the most Lucky Trader (just like Schera Mihai Cosmin did this time!), do not hesitate to sign up for the next contest round due from July 25, 2016 (GMT+3) to August 5, 2016 (GMT+3).

    Real Scalping
    Short-term trading is a complicated and rather challenging process as it requires your fullest attention. How many traders out there can be that attentive, focused and quick in making decisions? These are the qualities you need to score outstanding results in scalping.

    This time, Nikolay Tretyakov exhibited remarkable trading skills, getting up on the first place at the latest contest stage. Our congratulations to the prize taker! Anyone willing to try their luck can register for the next stage that starts on August 1, 2016 (GMT+3) and finishes on August 26, 2016 (GMT+3).

    Trade Wise, Win Device
    Dmitry Sobolev, a participant of the latest Trade Wise, Win Device campaign, has been awarded a Blackberry smartphone.

    You can also get a brand-new device from a leading electronics brand by participating in the next round of the Trade Wise, Win Device prize draw to be held from July 18, 2016 (GMT+3) to July 29, 2016 (GMT+3). Registration is available on the contest page.

    Chancy Deposit
    Chance is everything in this campaign. We invite you to follow the example of Lee Gyuhyung and take your lucky chance. You may be the next winner of Chancy Deposit by InstaForex! A nice money prize is just steps away.

    This promo campaign is held on a weekly basis.

    Learn more about contests
    Photos and comments of the finalists
    Best regards, PR Manager
    Learn more about InstaForex Company at

  10. #30
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Hello, I wonder what is spread for EURUSD in your company? Do you have Market execution?

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