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Chinese CPI dropped below 2% - Danske Bank

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by , 05-09-2014 at 01:35 PM (1469 Views)
Chinese CPI dropped below 2% - Danske Bank

Analyst Anders Fischer at Danske Bank noted the sharp drop of Chinese consumer prices during April.

Key Quotes

“In China consumer price inflation in April dropped markedly to 1.8% y/y (consensus: 2.1% y/y) from 2.4% y/y in March and inflation in China is now at the lowest level since October 2012”.

“The drop in inflation in April was mainly driven by lower food prices. Food-price inflation is likely to pick up in the second half of the year on the back of the increase in food commodity prices we have seen on a global scale recently”.

“Hence, Chinese inflation is probably close to the bottom. Nonetheless, it remains subdued and substantially below the government’s 3.5% critical threshold”.

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