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EUR/USD monthly ranging bearish; GBP/USD weekly bearish breakdown; USD/JPY weekly correction

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by , 01-17-2016 at 04:38 PM (965 Views)

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"EUR/USD has been holding its long term trendline support since March 2015 (even the January low is right on the line). November and December trade produced a tweezer bottom (reversal candlestick pattern…bullish in this case) as well. 2 scenarios seem most likely from the current juncture; a continued range (with roughly 1.15 resistance) or a bullish base that leads to an eventual breakout into the 1.20s. Both point higher from current levels."


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"Unlike EUR/USD, GBP/USD has failed to hold its trendline that originates at the 1985 low (this is the case as of noon in NY Friday…the line is at about 1.4390). The cross is on the verge of taking out the 2010 low at 1.4229, which would put GBP/USD at its lowest level since March 2009. The next market level that might stem the freefall is the 1.40…in part due to the psychological aspect of the figure but also because of the presence of a parallel (parallel to line that extends off of the 1992 and 2007 highs)."


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"Recent AUD/USD comments were that “the dominant downtrend is very much intact but there have been prolonged periods of trading around this median line that gave way to decent counter trend moves (rallies). In other words, everything since the September low may very well be corrective but AUD/USD could trade in a more or less nonsensical range for a while longer before the downtrend attempts to reassert.” Weakness has resumed and the measured objective from the latest range is .6433."


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"The uptrend that USD/JPY enjoyed since the December 2012 breakout is over. The cross topped nearly 7 months ago at a long term trendline. All of this doesn’t mean that USD/JPY can’t or won’t experience rallies. All of this does mean that rallies should be sold. Be patient and use stops."


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