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This is a discussion on Game Tech News within the Electronics forums, part of the Non-Related Discussion category; Let’s get one thing straight: The Xbox One (including the One X and One S) is a PC in everything ...

  1. #661
    member HiGame's Avatar
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    Microsoft, Razer Bring Keyboard and Mouse Support

    Let’s get one thing straight: The Xbox One (including the One X and One S) is a PC in everything but name. It runs a modified version of Windows 10 on commodity x86 hardware using a GPU developed for the mainstream graphics market. True, the exact specifics of the SoC are unlike anything you can buy today at market — but so what? A low-end Atom SoC and a 28-core Xeon Platinum are both capable of running Windows, despite being utterly unlike each other in virtually every practical respect. And that means it’s long past time that keyboard and mouse support came to the Xbox One, since there’s no reason why anyone should be stuck gaming with just a controller.

    Now, there’s signs that’s finally happening. Supposedly, Microsoft has worked with Razer to prepare a new line of gaming peripherals with support for Razer’s Chroma lighting scheme in-game. If you’re unfamiliar with it, typically how this works is that the keyboard backlight or mouse light changes color to reflect what’s happening in-game, turning green when your health is good, yellow when you’ve been injured, and red when you’re near death.

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  2. #662
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    The Oculus Rift Will Soon Only Work on Windows 10 PCs

    Beloved Facebook subsidiary Oculus has announced that going forward, the Oculus Rift will only support Windows 10 systems once the Rift Core 2.0 update drops. While this isn’t expected to lead to any near-term loss of features or capabilities on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, the firm’s messaging is clear: Update now.

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  3. #663
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    Post What can decisive AI do for a video game?

    Video games are omnipotent issue. With the rise of mobile gaming, digital distribution and improving tools and engines that make creating games reachable for anyone, the push is without help getting augmented. Games are becoming more unapproachable, and gamers expect more: improved graphics, more fascinating undertaking and unique, swift behavior and experiences. Despite all of the improvements in imitation of again the last few generations of gaming, something that games invariably nonattendance is still a suitable AI.

    Sure, an NPC might be roomy to appear in its job simply, but most good human players find little challenge in taking gone reference to an AI, and having it as a teammate is not much greater than before. It'll piece of legislation awkwardly, fracture players' assimilation and is impossible to coordinate behind. Often, people compulsion to viewpoint to multiplayer to acquire the gaming experience they'on the subject of looking for, and that's not always unchangeable.

    Decisive is here to bend all that. Imagine players mammal practiced to challenge a cunning, nimble Intelligent Artificial Player (IAP) which learns from its mistakes, and all the mistakes it's ever made nearby someone else. Imagine a teammate who can actually in the future rather than hindering and a rival who challenges a artiste to their fullest.

    When you create a game considering Decisive inside, players will know they'regarding getting a satisfying foe or an amazing ally. The fact that it's Artificial is just an appendage.

    Read More Information About Decisive Artificial Intelligence

  4. #664
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    World of Warcraft No Longer Requires Game Purchase

    World of Warcraft’s pre-patch for the upcoming Battle for Azeroth expansion dropped. It brings the usual set of pre-expansion talent and game changes, a massive “stat squish” in preparation for several years of new content, an updated client with DirectX 12 support baked in, no more support for DX9, and a host of other in-game changes. But one major change comes unannounced, and it lowers the barrier to entry for the still-popular MMO.

    Up until now, you’ve unlocked access to World of Warcraft by first buying a copy of the base game plus expansions, and then paying for a monthly subscription. The typical fee has been along the lines of $40 for base game plus all released expansions up to and including the current, except when a brand-new expansion was about to drop, as is currently the case. To simplify this, let’s use numbers. Ordinarily, with Battle for Azeroth (WoW’s 7th expansion) about to be released, we’d expect WoW + Expansions 1 – 6 to sell for a discount (say, ~$15-$20) while WoW + Expansions 1-7 would sell for $40 – $50. As of now, that’s changed. You can access the entire base game and everything up through the end of Legion for just $15, and need only buy BfA when and if you decide to push further into the game.

    Hard as it might be to believe, there are still people getting into World of Warcraft for the first time. I recently introduced my fiancée to the game and met several other new players in doing so. Blizzard is also presumably gearing up for a substantial surge of returning players. I’ve already seen some familiar faces popping up in guild again, and players returning to the game.

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  5. #665
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    You Haven’t Really Played Doom Until You’ve Played ASCII Doom

    Centuries from now, digital anthropologists combing through the remains of our civilization will note a regular sequence of 1’s and 0’s that began appearing on computers in the early 1990s and soon spread across everything from smartwatches to copy machines. They will undoubtedly conclude that this program represents some form of vital information or research that was carefully preserved across many different types of devices to ensure that it remained accessible even as other, incredibly valued works of film, literature, and software languished on obsolete mediums or were lost to the ravages of time. If they’re fortunate enough to stumble across 1337Doom, they’ll likely think an homage to earlier methods of communicating in text, all rendered as part of an art project to recreate one of humanity’s most treasured historical moments known as “Knee Deep in the Dead.”

    This latest ancient video game-cum-arthouse project mashes up ASCII art and Doom itself to recreate the levels and monsters of the original game entirely in numbers and letters. The craziest thing about it? At minimal difficulty (meaning, with small letters that create a game world that looks vaguely similar to the real thing), 1337d00m doesn’t look too far off Doom itself.

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  6. #666
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    AMD Announces New Custom APU For Chinese Game Consoles

    For years, AMD has discussed launching new semi-custom design wins that didn’t revolve around Microsoft and Sony. Those designs have mostly failed to materialize, with the AMD-Intel collaboration on Hades Canyon a notable exception. Now, AMD has announced a new semi-custom chip for a custom gaming console, but not for any company familiar to Western shores. Instead, AMD will be working closely with a Chinese company, Zhongshan Subor.

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  7. #667
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    Magic Leap Has Launched, Hopefully With Parachutes

    After years of hype, closed-door demonstrations, and billions raised in funding, the Magic Leap is finally available to order, for $2,295. The new Creator Edition isn’t the mass market product supposedly launching later this year with AT&T. In fact, you’ll only be able to buy it in six cities: Los Angeles, Miami, New York, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Seattle.

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    This isn’t exactly the stuff that dreams are made of. If you’re in the select cities, you’ll receive “complimentary delivery, fit and set-up service.” If you aren’t in select cities, you can place a reservation and receive your hardware later. A $495 ” “professional development package” for users who need Magic Leap replaced within 24 hours if it breaks is also available. Not only is that a huge premium to place on an overnight warranty service, it’s a huge leap of faith to assume anyone is ever going to need to replace a Magic Leap within 24 hours of the last one breaking.

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  8. #668
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    The Nintendo Switch Has a Hidden VR Mode

    Hackers have released video of the Nintendo Switch’s “VR Mode” firing up, implying that Nintendo’s experiments with VR progressed to the point of being tested on the unit before the company put the idea aside. Back in 2016, Nintendo of America CEO Reggie Fils-Aime told reporters that the company wasn’t interested in the capability because the technologies hadn’t gone mainstream yet and weren’t guaranteed to be well positioned to catch consumer interest. While that may be true, clearly some work was done at Nintendo to make the Switch VR-capable - at least in theory.

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  9. #669
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    What are the best software development companies in the world?

    Could you suggest something like that, please?

  10. #670
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    Nvidia Announces List of Games With RTX Support

    Nvidia has released a list of games with upcoming support for its new RTX ray-tracing feature, as well as a brief discussion of how that feature will be deployed in a shipping title. With a wide range of games promising support, these new features have a good initial showing for debut, though there are questions about the size of the visual fidelity improvement and the performance hit from enabling. We’ll discuss those shortly.

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