Metatrader 5 - asynchronous requests to the server with 1,000 successive transactions in 1 second
, 01-23-2017 at 03:22 PM (1415 Views)
This is good post which made by MetaQuotes related to the speed of MT5 compare with MT4 for example (the source):
Yes, in MQL4 it has long been available to 8 simultaneous trade orders of the experts. And tt will not be decreased.
It is possible to provide 100-200 trade transactions in the second from 8 parallel experts Under ideal conditions on MT4.
The MT5 even from one expert synchronously and consistently without much straining can make 1000 sales transactions per second. If multiple robots, several thousand transactions per second. If asynchronous methods, it is also several thousand per second.
Here is an example from 1000 successive transactions in 1 second on the MetaTrader 5 server MetaQuotes-Demo:
The code is taken from the article Comparison of MQL5 and QLUA - why trading in MQL5 to 28 times faster?