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Heiken Parabolic Trading System system with UniVolumeDelta

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by , 03-08-2019 at 09:47 AM (1061 Views)
Heiken Parabolic Trading System system is working good with UniVolumeDelta indicator.

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Heiken Parabolic Trading System - public links

- First version of the system is on this post
- Heiken Parabolic Histo trading system is here
- Heiken Parabolic Digital filters is on this post
- Scalping by those systems is on this post

UniVolumeDelta - premium section links

- UniVolumeDelta_v1.1 600+ indicator is on this post. This is an updated MTF indicator with ColorBarUp and ColorBarDn featureThis version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
- UniVolumeDelta_v1_1 indicator for MT5 is on this post. This is advanced Metatrader 5 indicator as an attempt to implement the Volume Delta Chart type in the MT4 where Buyers and Sellers are separated with using of the Tug-of-War model.
- UniVolumeDelta_v1_2 indicator for MT5 is on this post. This is advanced Metatrader 5 indicator as an attempt to implement the Volume Delta Chart type in the MT4 where Buyers and Sellers are separated with using of the Tug-of-War model. The indicator was updated updated with ability to plot histograms and lines separately with alert options.

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