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  1. Here's Which Disease Is Most Likely To Kill You Depending On Where You Live

    by , 06-13-2014 at 06:56 AM
    Here's Which Disease Is Most Likely To Kill You Depending On Where You Live

    Using data from the World Health Organization, we labeled every country in the world with the disease that caused the most deaths within the nation.

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Views: 221
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    Tags: global, health Add / Edit Tags
  2. Amazon launches free streaming music service just for Prime members

    by , 06-12-2014 at 08:27 PM
    Amazon launches free streaming music service just for Prime members

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Views: 186
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    Amazon rolled out its rumored streaming music service for Prime members overnight Wednesday. Prime Music, included with the $99/year Prime membership, promises over a million songs from about 90,000 albums and hundreds of pre-made playlists. There’s little new music, and so far one of the three major record labels — Universal Music Group — isn’t participating.
    Tags: amazon, music, paypal Add / Edit Tags
  3. Here Are The Only Five Things You Need To Know From This Year’s E3

    by , 06-12-2014 at 05:01 PM
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    In many ways, E3 is an annual reminder of the game industry’s worst impulses. Giant, sometimes monolithic, and often short-sighted corporations bombard the gaming public with assembly-line products saturated for no good reason with graphic violence and objectified and powerless women. This year was no exception. The big press conferences held over past two days were simultaneously unendurably loud and unendurably dull, a grim dump of guns (guns), germs (zombies), ...
    Tags: computing, game Add / Edit Tags
  4. Latest News in Premium Trading Forum - XO - mtf & alerts - choosable symbol for MT4 build 600++

    by , 06-11-2014 at 02:49 AM
    XO - mtf & alerts - choosable symbol for MT4 build 600++


    XO - mtf & alerts - choosable symbol ( 2 in 1 ) indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum.

    This version is for the build 600 and above


    You need to subscribe to Premium ...
  5. 12 Breathtaking Places In Wales You Need To Visit

    by , 06-11-2014 at 02:36 AM
    12 Breathtaking Places In Wales You Need To Visit

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Views: 209
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    1. If you’re arty, visit Portmeirion

    2. If the sea is calling you, visit Llandudno.

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    3. If you’re a festival goer, visit Crickhowell.

    4. If you’re an island lover, visit Anglesey.

    5. If you’re a bookworm, visit Hay-on-Wye.

    6. If you want to relax, visit Llandrindod Wells. ...
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