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  1. 20 Best Games for Laptops in 2018

    by , 05-26-2018 at 03:37 PM

    As fun as gaming is, it’s not always possible to sit at the high-end of the market and play the latest titles. Whether you’re traveling with a lightweight system, using a secondary rig, or simply working from an old PC because you can’t afford an upgrade, we’ve put together a list of titles you can still ...
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  2. There’s a New Halo Game Coming

    by , 05-20-2018 at 07:25 AM

    Halo has been a flagship Xbox franchise since the original Halo: Combat Evolved debuted on the original console back in 2001. It’s been about 2.5 years since the last flagship Halo title appeared, and plenty ...
    Tags: combat, microsoft Add / Edit Tags
  3. Graphics Card Prices Are Finally Improving

    by , 05-12-2018 at 11:55 AM

    Back in February, we covered the enormous surge in graphics card prices and the impact this had on AMD and Nvidia hardware. For the past few months, our recommendation has been to avoid building a PC with a discrete GPU at all, and to instead make do with older hardware, used cards, or an APU. Intel’s Hades Canyon was another possibility. But it’s been a few months since we checked in on GPU prices ...
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  4. Valve Announces Steam Will Stream to Phones, Tablets

    by , 05-11-2018 at 02:55 PM

    Game streaming may not have conquered the world the way some pundits thought it might, but we’ve seen real improvements in the capability across the last few years. Nintendo’s Wii U was an early iteration on the concept, Sony added the ability to stream some games to the Vita from the PS4, Microsoft will stream games to a Windows computer if you have an Xbox on a local network, and Nvidia’s ...
    Tags: game, xbox Add / Edit Tags
  5. Apple’s New eGPU Support

    by , 04-20-2018 at 04:51 PM

    Laptops make tradeoffs by definition, but one of the largest has always been in graphics. Physics simply doesn’t allow for a high-end desktop GPU in a svelte, laptop-friendly form factor. And the lighter and thinner you make the portable, the less room you’ve got for an aggressive, power-hogging GPU. The promise of an external graphics dock is that you can eat your laptop steak and have it too, ...
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