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RTX 4090 Smokes RTX 3090 Ti in Time Spy Extreme by 68 Percent

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by , 07-24-2022 at 05:48 AM (228 Views)

If the rumors about Nvidia’s next-gen lineup are true, well-heeled gamers will have GPUs worth drooling over (except please don’t – Ed) All the rumors about outrageous power consumption and triple-slot coolers have done little to diminish peoples’ appetite for the upcoming RTX 40-series. Now there’s more fuel to add to the fire. One of the most notorious leakers has dropped a benchmark result for the RTX 4090. It’s just one benchmark, and it’s a synthetic test, but if it’s true, or even close to true, Nvidia truly has a beast of a card on its hands. The only bad news is another well-regarded leaker is saying the RTX 4090 will be the only Ada Lovelace GPU to drop this year.


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