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Intel: Arc High-End Desktop GPU Launch ‘Now in Sight’

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by , 07-27-2022 at 05:56 AM (173 Views)

It’s been a long and winding road for Intel’s return to the discrete GPU market. It seems like it was first announced in a different era, and since then a lot has changed. Along the way Intel has run into several delays, generating confusion about what was launching, and when. The mist seems to be clearing though, and Intel has now stated its high performance GPUs are launching soon. Or at the very least, they will be in reviewers’ hands in the near future.As a refresher, Intel stated in May that the Arc GPU launch would be delayed to “later this summer.” It announced it was doing a “staggered” launch that would start in China, then eventually make its way to the US. Six weeks later, the first Arc GPU launched, again, in China. However, in addition to the staggered launch it became clear Intel was also starting at the bottom of the stack, then working its way up to the top cards.


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