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  1. McDonald's Still Limiting Menu In Shanghai After Reported Safety Scandal (Photo)

    by , 07-29-2014 at 04:45 AM
    McDonald’s, stun by a reported food safety scandal at meat supplier OSI Group , is still only offering a limited menu in Shanghai today.

    OSI Group, the Aurora, Illinois meat producer, reportedly used out-of-date meat at a facility in the city “for years,” the government-published Shanghai Daily said today. An undercover Shanghai TV reporter posing as a worker at a local arm of OSI filmed colleagues combining expired meat with fresh cuts and then lying to McDonald’s inspectors, ...
  2. Free to Download - BBands Stop Histo for Metatrader 4 build 600 and above

    by , 07-17-2014 at 02:33 AM
    Please check out the updated BBands_Stop and BBands_Stop Histo indicators for the new MT4.

    Name:  bbandsstop_histo_3 600+.png
Views: 344
Size:  15.1 KB
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Files
  3. Thomas M. Thomson ~ Fantasy painter

    by , 07-11-2014 at 08:35 AM
    Thomas M. Thomson ~ Fantasy painter

    Specializing in fantasy and custom portraiture, Thomas M. Thomson was born in Rota, Spain in september of '68. He has been surrounded and inspired by art from a very early age.
    He attended Florida State University, where he focused on the fundamentals of composition, perspective and figural accuracy. He has pursued an exciting career in art following his graduation in December of 1993. His mediums of choice are Oil on Canvas and Pencil on ...
  4. Week Ahead: Investors Watch Fed, IMF - And Rupert Murdoch

    by , 07-07-2014 at 11:33 PM
    The recent record highs for US stock markets could be tested in the days and weeks ahead as earnings season gets under way and investors get the latest read on when the US Federal Reserve might start to raise interest rates back up to normal levels.

    Further, investors were thrown a curve ball by International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde on Sunday, July 5, when she hinted that the IMF may slightly lower its global growth forecasts some time this month due to subdued ...
  5. Smart Equities For Creeping US Inflation

    by , 07-06-2014 at 11:49 PM
    Inflation in the US may be the investment topic of the moment. Whether inflation is merely a case of paranoia or actually raising its ugly head is yet to be seen. One thing looks certain – that the risk of disinflation is receding quickly while the Fed Reserve is readying itself to eventually meet factual or perceived inflation on the battle field of monetary policy. Consequently, investors should recognize the merits of adding US equity exposures to specifically deal with the type of inflation ...
    Tags: cpi, us inflation Add / Edit Tags
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