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Warren Buffett's Portfolio in 2019

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by , 04-12-2019 at 04:46 PM (986 Views)
Following a tough fourth quarter that crushed his company’s net income, Warren Buffett’s portfolio has soared year to date.

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His stocks, which may not all have completely rebounded from their low points late last year, are enjoying the benefit of a vigorous market to start 2019. S&P 500 constituents rose 14.84% year to date, nearly erasing their fourth-quarter dive. Meanwhile, 45 of Buffett’s 48 stocks have posted gains.

The swing to positive territory in the first quarter may also help earnings results at Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway. Due to accounting rule changes requiring the company to include variations in market value of equity investments in the calculation of net income, Berkshire posted a net loss of $25.39 billion in the fourth quarter. For the quarter of 2017, which did not include unrealized gains and losses in stocks, Berkshire’s net income was $32.55 billion.


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