High frequency trading has been in the news more, thanks in part to Michael Lewis’ new book, Flash Boys. This article presents a simple explanation of how and why high frequency trading works, and why it is good for small investors. We will begin by imagining a market with lots of small individual traders. Then we will look at how large institutional investors change the market. Next we will look at high frequency trading. Finally, we’ll explain how small investors are impacted. ...
How to post videos to the forum. We are having some addon which allows users to simply paste URLs into their message without having to use the video bbcode or video popup box. I mean - you can just post url of video inside your post in any place, and it will be converted to the video automatically - no need to go to any menue/options to edit the post to press "Insert Video". Just for information.
All Jurik tools (many indicators and EA) were recoded for premium section for new build of MT4. Just for information. ------------------ Jurik Tools Jurik Filter tools are on this thread: - JurikFilter_simple_v2 indicator is on this post. - JurikFilter_simple_v2 indicator is on this post. This version is for the build 600 and above Jurik Heikin-Ashi are on this thread - JurikHeikin-Ashi_v2 ...